- Arduino IDE with rosserial_arduino installed (and Teensy plugin if you use the Teensy board)
- Arduino board (I used a Teensy 3.5)
- 3 stepper motors (I used NEMA 17)
- 3 motor drivers (I used A4988 but you can also use DRV8825 by making the appropriate changes in code)
- 3 electrolytic capacitors (at least 47μF)
- Some LED's (I used one RGB LED)
- Power Supply (I used a 12V 8.5A)
- Enter the ROS environment
source /opt/ros/<distro>/setup.bash
- Start ROS master
- Upload .ino file to arduino (Make sure you have installed rosserial_arduino) and run it.
- In a new terminal run
rosrun rosserial_python serial_node.py /dev/ttyACM0
. Make sure to specify the correct port (same port you used in the Arduino IDE to upload the code) - In a new terminal interact with your Arduino program through ROS topics.
e.g.rostopic pub motor2/start std_msgs/Empty --once
will execute once the following method
void startMotor2(const std_msgs::Empty& toggle_msg)
whereas rostopic pub motor1/start std_msgs/Int8 15 --once
will execute once the following method
void startMotor1(const std_msgs::Int8& rpm)
by passing as an argument an rpm of 15
- You can see all available topics by running in a terminal
rostopic list