1100-lfc Ds
1100-lfc Ds
1100-lfc Ds
[511 mm]
[511 mm]
The 1100‑LFC low-frequency control element is from 208 to 235 V AC, at 50/60 Hz. TruPower® safety factor. The optional MAS‑1100 array
a self-powered loudspeaker defined by its sonic limiting ensures maximum driver protection, spacer can be placed between cabinets to
linearity in reproducing low-frequency transients minimizing power compression while yielding lengthen 1100‑LFC arrays, improving vertical
at high, continuous output levels with very low high constant output under high continuous and directionality. For touring and portable systems,
distortion. This ultralow distortion, coupled with peak power conditions. The amplifier, control the 1100‑LFC can travel securely in stacks of
exceptional headroom and optimized rigging electronics, and power supply are contained in three units with the optional MCF‑1100 caster
options, makes the 1100‑LFC a flexible tool for a single field-replaceable module located on the frame. Durable nylon covers, accommodating
low-end directional applications for large-scale rear of the cabinet. stacks of two or three units, are optionally
tours and installations. available to ensure the 1100-LFC is completely
Protective, plastic skids are included on the road ready.
To guarantee optimum performance, 1100‑LFC bottom of the 1100‑LFC cabinet that securely
systems must be designed with Meyer Sound’s align with the cabinet’s top slots. Units can Meyer Sound’s RMS™ remote monitoring
MAPP Online Pro® acoustical prediction software. be stacked normally or reversed for cardioid system comes standard with all 1100‑LFCs and
The intuitive, cross-platform application accu‑ configurations. provides comprehensive monitoring of system
rately predicts directional patterns, frequency parameters on a Windows®-based computer.
and impulse responses, and maximum peak SPL The optional MRK‑1100 rigging kit, available Convenient 5-pin XLR connectors allow the
for 1100‑LFC systems, ensuring that systems de‑ as a factory-installed option or field upgrade, use of composite cables carrying both RMS and
liver the required coverage and SPL. includes captive GuideALinks™ that allow the balanced audio (3‑pin XLR audio connectors are
loudspeaker to be flown from the MTG‑1100 also available).
An optimally tuned, vented cabinet houses the top grid. The GuideALinks, located at the front
1100‑LFC’s two linear, high-excursion 18‑inch and rear of the cabinet, are easily set with The 1100‑LFC cabinet is constructed of
cone drivers. The loudspeaker’s 28 Hz to 100 Hz convenient, pinned handles and slots. The multi-ply hardwood and coated with a black-
operating frequency range complements MILO®, GuideALinks also accommodate reversed units textured finish. A hex-stamped, steel grille
MICA®, JM‑1P and other Meyer Sound loudspeak‑ for flown cardioid arrays. with acoustical black mesh protects the
ers, allowing it to integrate seamlessly with line unit’s drivers. Other options include weather
arrays and curvilinear arrays. The optional MTG‑1100 top grid can suspend protection and custom color finishes for fixed
line arrays comprised of up to 12 cabinets at a installations and applications with specific
The unit’s power amplifier operates at voltages 7:1 safety factor, or up to 16 cabinets at a 5:1 cosmetic requirements.
High peak power output with low- Tuned, vented cabinet optimized for low Stadiums
frequency clarity and excellent transient air velocities
reproduction at extreme levels Arenas
Stackable and flyable in regular and
Linearity ensures low-frequency output cardioid arrays Concert halls
with consistent directional properties in High-power, controlled arrays
Integrates seamlessly with MILO,
a variety of configurations at any level
MICA, JM‑1P, and other Meyer Sound
1100-LFC Specifications
1. Recommended maximum operating
Operating Frequency Range1 28 Hz – 100 Hz frequency range. Response depends
Frequency Response2 30 Hz – 85 Hz ±4 dB on loading conditions and room
Phase Response 34 Hz – 82 Hz ±30° 2. Measured half-space with 1/3 octave
Coverage frequency resolution at 4 meters.
3. Audio connectors available as 3-pin
Varies with number of units and configuration or 5-pin XLR connectors. 5-pin
Transducers XLR connectors accommodate both
balanced and RMS signals.
Low Frequency Two 18” cone drivers
4. Pins 4 and 5 for RMS only included
Audio Input with 5-pin XLR connectors.
Type Differential, electronically balanced 5. AC power cabling must be of
sufficient gauge so that under
Maximum Common Mode Range ±15 V DC burst current rms conditions, cable
Connectors3 XLR female input with XLR male loop output transmission losses do not cause the
loudspeaker’s voltage to drop below
Input Impedance 10 kΩ differential between pins 2 and 3 the specified operating range.
Wiring4 Pin 1: Chassis/earth through 1 kΩ, 1000 pF, 15 V clamp network to
provide virtual ground lift at audio frequencies
Pin 2: Signal +
Pin 3: Signal –
Pin 4: RMS
Pin 5: RMS
Case: Earth ground and chassis
DC Blocking Differential DC blocking up to the maximum common mode voltage
CMRR >50 dB, typically 80 dB (50 Hz – 500 Hz)
RF Filter Common mode: 425 kHz
Differential mode: 142 kHz
TIM Filter Integral to signal processing (<80 kHz)
Nominal Input Sensitivity 0 dBV (1.0 V rms, 1.4 V peak) continuous is typically the onset of
limiting for noise and music
Input Level Audio source must be capable of producing of +20 dBV (10 V rms, 14 V
peak) into 600 Ω to produce the maximum peak SPL over the operating
bandwidth of the loudspeaker
Type 2-channel complementary MOSFET output stages (Class AB/H bridged)
Cooling Forced air cooling
AC Power
Connectors PowerCon32
Safety Agency Rated Operating Range 208–235 V AC, 50/60 Hz
Turn-on and Turn-off Points 165–264 V AC
1100‑LFC — A2
Current Draw:
Idle Current 0.6 A rms (230 V AC) Copyright © 2012
Maximum Long-Term Continuous Current (>10 sec) 10.5 A rms (230 V AC) Meyer Sound Laboratories Inc.
All rights reserved
Burst Current (<1 sec)5 18 A rms (230 V AC)
Ultimate Short-Term Peak Current 53 A peak (230 V AC) meyer sound laboratories inc.
Inrush Current <30 A peak (230 V AC) 2832 San Pablo Avenue
RMS Network Berkeley, CA 94702
T: +1 510 486.1166
Equipped with two-conductor twisted-pair network, reporting all F: +1 510 486.8356
operating parameters of amplifiers to system operator’s host computer
Architect Specifications
The loudspeaker shall be a linear, low-distortion, filtering shall be provided, and CMRR shall be greater AC power connector shall be a PowerCon32. The
self-powered, low-frequency control element and than 50 dB (50 Hz – 500 Hz). loudspeaker shall include an RMS remote monitoring
shall be capable of flown, groundstacked, and cardioid system module.
configurations. Its transducers shall include two Performance specifications for a typical production
18-inch cone drivers. unit shall be as follows, measured at 1/3-octave Components shall be mounted in an optimally tuned,
resolution: operating frequency range, 28 Hz to vented enclosure constructed of multi-ply hardwood
The loudspeaker shall incorporate internal processing 100 Hz; frequency response, 30 Hz to 85 Hz ±4 dB; and coated with a black-textured finish. Dimensions
and a 2-channel Class AB/H amplifier with phase response, 34 Hz to 82 Hz ±30 degrees. shall be 52.60” wide x 20.48” high x 33.00” deep
complementary MOSFET output stages. Protection (1336 mm x 520 mm x 838 mm). Dimension with
circuits shall include TruPower limiting. The audio The internal power supply shall perform EMI filtering, optional rigging shall be 54.65” wide x 20.48” high
input shall be electronically balanced with a 10 kOhm soft current turn-on, and surge suppression. Power x 33.00” deep (1388 mm x 520 mm x 838 mm). Weight
impedance and accept a nominal 0 dBV (1.0 V rms) requirements shall be nominal 230 V AC line current shall be 249 lbs (112.9 kg). Weight with optional rigging
signal (+20 dBV to produce maximum SPL). Audio at 50 or 60 Hz. UL and CE operating voltage range shall be 285 lbs (129.3 kg).
connectors shall be 3-pin XLR, female and male, shall be 208 to 235 V AC. Current draw during burst
accommodating balanced audio, or 5-pin XLR, shall be 18 A rms at 230 V AC. Current inrush during The loudspeaker shall be the Meyer Sound 1100-LFC.
accommodating both balanced audio and RMS. RF soft turn-on shall not exceed 30 A at 230 V AC. The