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FLUKE Pressure-Temperature Chart

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Pressure - Temperature Chart

All pressures shown are in PSIG; Red print = Vacuum (inches of Mercury)

°F 12 22 502 134a 401A 401B 402A 404A 408A 409A 410A

(MP39) (MP66) (HP80) (HP62) (FX10) (FX56) (AZ20)
-40 11.0 0.5 4.1 14.5 14.3 12.8 5.6 4.6 2.8 13.1 11.6
-38 10.0 1.3 5.0 13.7 13.4 11.8 6.7 5.6 3.7 12.1 12.9
-36 8.9 2.2 6.0 12.8 12.4 10.7 7.8 6.6 4.6 11.1 14.2
-34 7.8 3.0 7.0 11.8 11.4 9.6 8.9 7.7 5.6 10.1 15.6
-32 6.7 4.0 8.1 10.8 10.3 8.5 10.0 8.8 6.6 9.1 17.0
-30 5.5 4.9 9.2 9.7 9.2 7.3 11.3 9.9 7.6 8.1 18.5
-28 4.3 5.9 10.3 8.6 8.1 6.0 12.5 11.1 8.7 6.9 20.1
-26 3.0 6.9 11.5 7.7 6.9 4.7 13.8 12.4 9.8 5.6 21.7
-24 1.6 7.9 12.7 6.2 5.6 3.3 15.2 13.3 11.0 4.4 23.4
-22 0.3 9.0 14.0 4.9 4.3 1.9 16.6 15.0 12.2 3.1 25.1
-20 0.6 10.1 15.3 3.6 2.9 0.4 18.0 16.4 13.4 1.9 26.9
-18 1.3 11.3 16.7 2.3 1.5 0.6 19.5 17.8 14.7 1.0 28.9
-16 2.1 12.5 18.1 0.8 0.0 1.3 21.1 19.3 16.1 0.0 30.1
-14 2.8 13.8 19.5 0.3 0.8 2.2 22.7 20.8 17.5 1.0 32.8
-12 3.7 15.1 21.0 1.1 1.6 3.0 24.4 22.4 18.9 1.9 34.8
-10 4.5 16.5 22.6 1.9 2.4 3.9 26.1 24.0 20.4 2.8 36.8
-8 5.4 17.9 24.2 2.8 3.2 4.8 27.9 25.7 22.0 3.7 39.1
-6 6.3 19.3 25.8 3.6 4.1 5.8 29.7 27.4 23.6 4.6 41.4
-4 7.2 20.8 27.5 4.5 5.0 6.8 31.6 29.2 25.2 5.4 43.8
-2 8.2 22.4 29.3 5.5 6.0 7.8 33.5 31.1 26.9 6.3 46.2
0 9.2 24.0 31.1 6.5 7.0 8.9 35.6 33.0 28.7 7.2 48.6
2 10.2 25.6 32.9 7.5 8.0 10.0 37.6 35.0 30.5 8.3 51.2
4 11.2 27.3 34.9 8.5 9.1 11.1 39.8 37.0 32.3 9.3 53.9
6 12.3 29.1 36.9 9.6 10.2 12.3 42.0 39.1 34.3 10.4 56.6
8 13.5 30.9 38.9 10.8 11.3 13.5 44.3 41.3 36.3 11.4 59.5
10 14.6 32.8 41.0 12.0 12.5 14.8 46.6 43.5 38.3 12.5 62.3
12 15.8 34.7 43.2 13.1 13.7 16.1 49.0 45.8 40.4 13.7 65.4
14 17.1 36.7 45.4 14.4 15.0 17.4 51.5 48.2 42.6 15.0 68.5
16 18.4 38.7 47.7 15.7 16.3 18.8 54.0 50.6 44.9 16.2 71.6
18 19.7 40.9 50.0 17.0 17.6 20.3 56.7 53.1 47.2 17.5 75.0
20 21.0 43.0 52.5 18.4 19.0 21.8 59.4 55.7 49.5 18.7 78.3
22 22.4 45.3 54.9 19.9 20.5 23.3 62.2 58.4 52.0 20.2 81.9
24 23.9 47.6 57.5 21.4 22.0 24.9 65.0 61.1 54.5 21.6 85.5
26 25.4 49.9 60.1 22.9 23.5 26.5 68.0 63.9 57.1 23.1 89.2
28 26.9 52.4 62.8 24.5 25.1 28.2 71.0 66.8 59.8 24.5 93.0
30 28.5 54.9 65.6 26.1 26.7 30.0 74.1 69.7 62.5 26.0 96.8
32 30.1 57.5 68.4 27.8 28.4 31.8 77.3 72.8 65.3 27.7 100.9
34 31.7 60.1 71.3 29.5 30.1 33.6 80.5 75.9 68.2 29.4 105.0
36 33.4 62.8 74.3 31.3 31.9 35.5 83.9 79.1 71.2 31.1 109.2
38 35.2 65.6 77.4 33.2 33.7 37.5 87.3 82.4 74.2 32.8 113.6
40 36.9 68.5 80.5 35.1 35.6 39.5 90.9 85.7 77.4 34.5 118.0
42 38.8 71.5 83.8 37.0 37.6 41.6 94.5 89.2 80.6 36.5 122.8
44 40.7 74.5 87.0 39.1 39.6 43.7 98.2 92.7 83.9 38.4 127.6
46 42.7 77.6 90.4 41.1 41.7 45.9 102.0 96.4 87.3 40.4 132.4
48 44.7 80.7 93.9 43.3 43.8 48.2 106.0 100.1 90.7 42.3 137.2
50 46.7 84.0 97.4 45.5 46.0 57.7 50.5 62.3 110 114 104.5 95.8 44.3 61.0 142.0
52 48.8 87.3 101.0 47.7 47.0 60.2 52.3 64.9 115 118 109.5 99.7 46.6 63.7 147.2
54 51.0 90.8 104.8 50.1 49.0 62.8 54.7 67.0 119 123 113.5 103.5 48.8 66.4 152.4
56 53.2 94.3 108.6 52.3 51.5 65.4 57.3 70.4 124 127 117.7 107.4 51.1 69.1 158.0
58 55.4 97.9 112.4 55.0 54.0 68.1 60.0 73.7 128 131 121.9 111.2 53.3 71.8 164.0
60 57.7 101.6 116.4 57.5 56.0 70.9 62.5 76.2 133 136 126.2 115.1 55.6 74.5 170.0
62 60.1 105.4 120.4 60.1 73.8 79.2 140.7 130.7 119.4 77.5 176.0
64 62.5 109.3 124.6 62.7 76.7 82.3 145.4 135.2 123.8 80.5 182.0
66 65.0 113.2 128.8 65.5 79.7 85.5 150.3 139.9 128.1 83.5 188.2
68 67.6 117.3 133.2 68.3 82.8 88.7 155.4 144.7 132.5 86.5 191.4
70 70.2 121.4 137.6 71.2 85.9 92.0 160.5 149.5 136.8 89.5 201.0
72 72.9 125.7 142.2 74.2 89.1 95.4 165.7 154.5 141.7 92.9 207.4
74 75.6 130.0 146.8 77.2 92.4 98.9 171.1 159.6 146.6 96.3 213.8
76 78.4 134.5 151.5 80.3 95.8 102.4 176.6 164.8 151.4 99.6 220.6
78 81.3 139.0 156.3 83.5 99.2 106.0 182.2 170.1 156.3 103.0 227.8
80 84.2 143.6 161.2 86.8 102.7 109.7 187.9 175.6 161.2 106.4 235.0
82 87.2 148.4 166.2 90.2 106.3 113.5 193.7 181.2 166.6 110.2 242.6
84 90.2 153.2 171.4 93.6 110.0 117.4 199.7 186.8 172.1 114.0 250.2
86 93.3 158.2 176.6 97.1 113.8 121.4 205.8 192.7 177.5 117.8 258.0
88 96.5 163.2 181.9 100.7 117.7 125.4 212.0 198.6 183.0 121.6 266.0
90 99.8 168.4 187.4 104.4 121.6 129.6 218.3 204.6 188.4 125.2 274.0
92 103.1 173.7 192.9 108.2 125.6 133.8 224.8 210.8 194.5 129.4 282.4
94 106.5 179.1 198.6 112.1 129.7 138.2 231.4 217.2 200.5 133.5 290.8
96 110.0 184.6 204.3 116.1 133.9 142.6 238.2 223.6 206.6 137.7 299.4
98 113.5 190.2 210.2 120.1 138.2 147.1 245.1 230.2 212.6 141.8 308.2
100 117.2 195.9 216.2 124.3 142.6 151.7 252.1 236.9 218.7 146.0 317.0
102 120.9 201.8 222.3 128.5 147.1 156.4 259.3 243.8 225.4 150.6 326.2
104 124.7 207.7 228.5 132.9 151.7 161.2 266.6 250.8 232.1 155.2 335.4
106 128.5 213.8 234.9 137.3 156.4 166.1 274.0 257.9 238.7 159.8 345.0
108 132.4 220.0 241.3 142.8 161.1 171.1 281.6 265.2 245.4 164.4 355.0
110 136.4 226.4 247.9 146.5 166.0 176.3 289.4 272.6 252.1 169.0 365.0
112 140.5 232.8 254.6 151.3 171.0 181.5 297.3 280.2 259.5 174.1 375.4
114 144.7 239.4 261.5 156.1 176.0 186.8 305.3 287.9 266.9 179.2 385.8
116 148.9 246.1 268.4 161.1 181.2 192.2 313.6 295.7 274.3 184.2 396.4
118 153.2 252.9 275.5 166.1 186.5 197.7 321.9 303.8 281.7 189.3 407.2
120 157.7 259.9 282.7 171.3 191.8 203.1 330.4 311.9 289.1 194.4 418.0
122 162.2 267.0 290.1 176.6 197.3 209.1 339.1 320.3 297.2 200.0 429.2
124 166.7 274.3 297.6 182.0 202.9 215.0 348.0 328.8 305.3 205.6 440.4
126 171.4 281.6 305.2 187.5 208.6 221.0 357.0 337.4 313.5 211.1 452.0
128 176.2 289.1 312.9 193.1 214.4 227.1 366.2 346.2 321.6 216.7 464.0
130 181.0 296.8 320.8 198.9 220.3 233.3 375.5 355.2 329.7 222.3 476.0
132 185.9 304.6 328.9 204.7 226.3 239.6 385.0 364.3 338.6 228.4 488.4
134 191.0 312.5 337.1 210.7 232.5 246.0 394.7 373.6 347.5 234.5 500.8
136 196.1 320.6 345.4 216.8 238.7 252.6 404.5 383.1 356.5 240.7 513.4
138 201.3 328.9 353.9 223.0 245.1 259.3 414.6 392.8 365.4 246.8 526.2
140 206.6 337.3 362.6 229.4 251.6 266.1 424.8 402.6 374.3 252.9 539.0

For additional information visit ©2001 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved. 12/2001 1265816 D-ENG-N Rev B
Refrigeration Cycle Ohms Law Wheel
Metering 2
Condenser Device Evaporator E E
Pressure-Enthalpy (PH) Diagram for Refrigerant Blends
Bubble Point -
I xR
Handy HVAC Formulas
Used to Determine
Subcooling BTUH (sensible heat) = CFM x 1.08 x ∆T
(W) (I) W BTUH (latent heat) = CFM x 4750 x (Humidity Ratio Diff.)
Liquid Psig Vapor Psig ExI √ R
Refrigerant Bubble Point Refrigerant Dew Point Watts Current BTUH (total heat) = CFM x 4.5 x (Enthalpy Difference)
Psia Constant
Resistance Voltage BTUH (hydronic) = 500 x GPM x ∆T
Temperature Lines E
Liquid Receiver (R) (E) √ W x R CFM = FPM x (Duct Area in square feet)
FPM = 4005 x (√VP) VP = TP - SP
Compressor Dew Point - Used to E W
Enthalpy (BTU’s/Lb) Determine Superheat W I Motor Sheave Required Fan RPM x Fan Sheave Pitch
W Pitch =
IxR Motor RPM
Measuring superheat and subcooling using Fluke meters: CFM2 = CFM1 x RPM2 RPM2 = RPM1 x CFM2
To measure superheat: To measure subcooling: Handy electrical formulas RPM1 CFM1
1) Measure suction pressure with the Fluke PV350 1) Measure liquid line pressure (or discharge pressure if Single Phase (1ø) Power 3 3
RPM2 = RPM1 x
Pressure Module and your digital multimeter (DMM).
Convert pressure to temperature using your PT chart.
there is no liquid line access valve) with the Fluke
PV350 Pressure Module and your DMM. Convert the KW =
I x E x PF
Hp x 746 √ BHP2
BHP2 = BHP1 x RPM2
(RPM1 )
2) Measure the pipe temperature at the outlet of the pressure to temperature using your PT chart. 1000 {E x (% effic.) x PF} 2
RPM2 = RPM1 x
evaporator with the Fluke 80PK-8 Pipe Clamp and
your temperature meter.
2) Measure the pipe temperature at the outlet of the
condenser with the Fluke 80PK-8 Pipe Clamp and
Three Phase (3ø) Power √ SP2
SP2 = SP1 x RPM2
(RPM1 )
your temperature meter. Watts = E x I x √3 x Power Factor (PF)
3) Subtract the difference in temperatures to obtain BTUH = British Thermal Units per Hour CFM = Cubic Feet Per Minute
superheat. 3) Subtract the difference in temperatures to obtain Watts Watts FPM = Feet Per Minute RPM = Revolutions Per Minute
I= E= VP = Velocity Pressure SP = Static Pressure
subcooling. E x √3 x PF I x √3 x PF TP = Total Pressure BHP = Brake Horsepower
∆T = Temperature Difference (T1 - T2)

Chart Back 1 12/10/01, 9:39 AM

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