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Mũtabarĩre Mwĩtĩkĩrĩku wa Thĩ yothe wa Wikimedia Foundation

From Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Policy:Universal Code of Conduct and the translation is 60% complete.
Wikimedia Foundation Universal Code of Conduct

Gĩtũmi kĩa kũgĩa na Mũtaratara Mũkaru wa Mĩtugo

Twĩtĩkĩtie kũhe andũ aingĩ ũrĩa kwahoteka ũhoti wa kũ nyita itemi na njĩra nene harĩ matuĩka mothe ma Wikimedia, nĩguo tũhote gũkinyĩra kĩoneki giitũ kĩa kũrũmbũiya thĩ ĩrĩa andũ othe mangĩhota kũtanahĩrana ũũgĩ na ũmenyo wa andũ othe. Twĩĩtĩkie atanahĩri aitũ makuuma mĩhĩrĩga karundo, na marĩ na ũrata na andũ arĩa angĩ. Twendaga mĩciĩ ĩno ĩkorũo ĩrĩ na wĩigĩrĩki, na ĩrĩ na ũgitĩri na ĩrĩ na ĩtarĩ wĩi harĩ mũndũ o wothe ũrarũmĩrĩra (na nĩ arĩenda kũrũmanĩrĩra) nayo. Nĩ tũkwĩhoka atĩ nĩ tũgũthiĩ na mbere kũhingia ũndũ ũcio, na kũhũthĩra kĩrĩra kĩu na kũhengerũria ũhoro ta ũrĩa kũngĩbatarania. Ningĩ nĩ twendete kũgitĩra wĩra witũ harĩ arĩa magĩanaga kana kũũnũha.

Tũkĩgiritĩrĩra na kĩoneki kia Wikimedia, othe magĩenda kũnyita itemi mawĩra-inĩ ma Wikimedia

  • ũteitherĩria harĩ ũrũmbũiya wa wĩyathia wa ũtanahĩrania wa ũmenyo wa thĩĩ yothe
  • gũkorwo ũkinyita itemi kũthengia ũthitũkania na rũmena
  • Kũtanya kũramata mawĩra matarĩ ũcuuke na mena wĩira mũiganu

Mũtaratara ũyũ wa mĩtugo (UCoC) nĩ ũmenyithanĩtie mĩtugo ĩrĩa ĩtanyĩtio na ĩrĩa ĩtangĩĩtĩkĩrĩka. Nĩ ĩkũhũthĩka harĩ mũndũ o wothe ũrĩa ũrutaga wĩra na agateithĩrĩria wĩra wa kũhingia maũndũ ma Wikimedia. Ũguo nĩ hamwe na arĩa maruta wĩra na arĩa marĩ na ũmenyeru, arĩa marutaga wĩra thĩinĩ wa mĩharĩrio, arĩa marutaga wĩra wa ũthĩgia, na arĩa marĩ gĩtamainĩ kĩa Wikimedia Foundation. Nĩ ĩhũthĩkaga harĩ mĩharĩro yothe ya Wikimedia, imamo cia ya kĩmũũro, mĩcemanio , o hamwe na maũndũ maya:

  • Ngunguano cia andũ, irĩ como kana ca.
  • Ciira cia anyiti itemi
  • Ciũria cia ũthii wa na mbere wa mĩĩro
  • Maũndũ marĩa maronania ũrĩa ũhoro ũratanakĩka
  • Ciira cia anyiti itemi na ciama cia kuuma na nja


Mũtaratara Mũkaru wa Mĩtugo ũheana mĩtugo mĩagĩrĩru ya kũrutithania wĩra wĩra wa Wikimedia thĩ yothe. O na kũrĩ ũguo, andũ a ndũrĩrĩ no makorũo na mweke wa kũongerera maũndũ marĩa ũmagĩtahĩra kuuma mũthithũ wao wa ũndũire ona makĩramataga marũngo marĩa magwetetwo ta mũtaratara wa irigithathi.

Mũtaratara mũkaru wa Mĩtugo ũhũthĩkaga kaimana kũrĩ andũ othe a Wikimedia, hatarĩ mwĩthemi. Ciĩko iria ciaregana na Watho ũyũ no cicũngĩrĩrie ngeko. Ngeko ici no citabanio na athĩgia(kũringana na ũrĩa matariĩ) na/kana nĩ Wikimedia Foundation ta arĩ mwene wa kĩhumo kĩa ithandũkũ.

Mĩtugo ĩrĩa ĩtanyĩrĩirwo.

O mũndũ wĩa Wikimedia, kana arĩ mũgeni kana arĩ na ũmenyeru, mũthĩgia, mũnyiti itemi gĩtamainĩ kĩa mũthingi wa Wikipedia, kana mũruti wĩra arĩ na wĩigĩrĩki wa mĩtugo yao.

Thĩinĩ wa mĩharĩrio yothe ya Wikimedia, mĩikaro na mĩcemanio, mĩtugo ĩrĩ ya gĩtĩo, ũtugi, ũrata wa andũ, ũrũmwe na ũtana. Ũndũ ũyũ nĩ wa bata harĩ arĩa othe marutaga wĩra na arĩa othe marenda kũgĩa na ũrata na arĩa othe marĩ na ũrata, hatarĩ na gĩtĩo kũrĩ ũkũrũ, mĩrimũ ya meciria kana ya mwĩrĩ, mũonekano wa mwĩrĩ, mũthingi wa bũrũri, ndini, rũrĩrĩ,ũcararũkũ wa rũthiomi, ũmenyo wa njorua, ũritũ wa mũndũ kana wa mwĩrĩ, kana gĩkundi kĩa wĩra. Ningĩ tũtikũciira tũkĩtĩa ũtang'a ũcorwa kana mĩricwa thĩinĩ wa mawĩra kana maguũ ma wikimedia.

Ndĩhano ya Itĩo

Nĩ tũratanya andũ othe a Wikimedia monanie gĩtĩo harĩ arĩa angĩ. Rĩrĩa tũraaranĩria na andũ, marĩ thĩinĩ nenda-inĩ kana ca, tũgakorũo tũgĩtungatana na gĩtĩo.

Ũcio nĩ hamwe na:

  • ũrakũ wa njaĩ Thikĩrĩria na ũgerie gũtaũkĩrwo nĩ nyanjara ngũrani cia anyiti itemi cia Wikimedia.
  • Assume good faith, and engage in constructive edits; your contributions should improve the quality of the project or work. Provide and receive feedback kindly and in good faith. Criticism should be delivered in a sensitive and constructive manner. All Wikimedians should assume unless evidence otherwise exists that others are here to collaboratively improve the projects, but this should not be used to justify statements with a harmful impact.
  • Tĩa ũrĩa atanahĩri meĩtaga.

Andũ mahũthagĩra mbũkio ngũrani kwĩĩta. Ta rũrii rwa gĩtĩo, hũthĩra mbũkio ici rĩrĩa ũkwarĩria kana rĩrĩa ũkwaria ciĩgie andũ aya. Ngerekano nĩ ta:

    • Andũ a rũrĩrĩ no matũmĩre rĩĩtwa rĩa kĩndũire;
    • Andũ no makorwo na marĩĩtwa marĩa marahũthĩra ndemwa, mĩgambo, kana ciugo cia rũthiomi rwao iria ũtoĩ;
    • People who identify with a certain sexual orientation or gender identity using distinct names or pronouns;
    • Andũ arĩa marĩ na mawathe ma mwĩrĩ kana ma meciria no mathuure na ciugo cia mwanya
  • Hĩndĩ ya mĩcemanio ya ndumo, nĩ tũkũnyita andũ othe ũgeni na nĩ tũkũmenyaga na tũkũheana gĩtĩo harĩ mĩhaka, ũmenyo, mĩtugo na mabataro ma arĩa angĩ.

2.2 – Civility, collegiality, mutual support and good citizenship

We strive towards the following behaviours:

  • Civility is politeness in behaviour and speech amongst people, including strangers.
  • Collegiality is the friendly support that people engaged in a common effort extend to each other.
  • Mutual support and good citizenship means taking active responsibility for ensuring that the Wikimedia projects are productive, pleasant and safe spaces, and contribute to the Wikimedia mission.

This includes but is not limited to:

  • Mentorship and coaching: Helping newcomers to find their way and acquire essential skills.
  • Looking out for fellow contributors: Lend them a hand when they need support, and speak up for them when they are treated in a way that falls short of expected behaviour as per the Universal Code of Conduct.
  • Randĩrĩria na ũcikie ngatho mawĩra mekĩtwo nĩ atanahĩri angĩ

Macokerie ngatho nĩũndũ wa kĩo mawĩra-inĩ mao.

Mĩtugo ĩrĩa ĩrĩ mĩgiro.

Mũtaratara Mũkaru wa Mĩtugo nĩ wa gũteithĩrĩria anyiti itemi kũmenya na kũtuithania mĩtugo mĩũru. Ciĩko ici nĩ ngananie kĩguũinĩ kia Wikimedia:


Nĩ mĩtugo yothe ĩrĩa ĩkoragwo na itanya rĩa kũhinyĩrĩria na kũnyarara mũndũ na njĩra ya kũgwoyohia, kana kũmũrakaria kana kũmũconorithia hatarĩ na kĩhooto.Ngerekano:

  • Irumi Kũruma mũndũ nĩ gũkananie. Kana nĩ wathe kana rũrĩrĩ kana kĩama kĩa ũteti
  • Nyamaranio ya Ngomanio kĩguũ kĩa kĩwendo kĩa gĩtarĩ ũnyiti ũgeni kana kĩhararo nĩ gĩkananie.
  • 'kwendia guoya kũhunjia ngũĩ kana gĩconoritha kana thitango itarĩ kĩnene nĩ ngananie.
  • Encouraging harm to others: This includes encouraging someone else to commit self-harm or suicide as well as encouraging someone to conduct violent attacks on a third party.
  • Disclosure of personal data (Doxing): sharing other contributors' private information, such as name, place of employment, physical or email address without their explicit consent either on the Wikimedia projects or elsewhere, or sharing information concerning their Wikimedia activity outside the projects.
  • Iguĩma: kũrũmĩrĩra mũndũ mawĩrainĩ make na kũmĩrĩrĩa mĩtanako yao na itanya rĩa kũmarakaria nĩ mũgiro.
  • Itherũ Ihunyũku kũũnũha mĩario na itanya rĩa kũnyũrũria nĩ mũgiro

Iruma rĩa hinya kana gĩturwa

Abuse occurs when someone in a real or perceived position of power, privilege, or influence engages in disrespectful, cruel, and/or violent behaviour towards other people. In Wikimedia environments, it may take the form of verbal or psychological abuse and may overlap with harassment.

  • Abuse of office by functionaries, officials and staff: use of authority, knowledge, or resources at the disposal of designated functionaries, as well as officials and staff of the Wikimedia Foundation or Wikimedia affiliates, to intimidate or threaten others.
  • Abuse of seniority and connections: Using one's position and reputation to intimidate others. We expect people with significant experience and connections in the movement to behave with special care because hostile comments from them may carry an unintended backlash. People with community authority have a particular privilege to be viewed as reliable and should not abuse this to attack others who disagree with them.
  • Psychological manipulation: Maliciously causing someone to doubt their own perceptions, senses, or understanding with the objective to win an argument or force someone to behave the way you want.

3.3 – Content vandalism and abuse of the projects

Deliberately introducing biased, false, inaccurate or inappropriate content, or hindering, impeding or otherwise hampering the creation (and/or maintenance) of content. This includes but is not limited to:

  • The repeated arbitrary or unmotivated removal of any content without appropriate discussion or providing explanation
  • Systematically manipulating content to favour specific interpretations of facts or points of view (also by means of unfaithful or deliberately false rendering of sources and altering the correct way of composing editorial content)
  • Hate speech in any form, or discriminatory language aimed at vilifying, humiliating, inciting hatred against individuals or groups on the basis of who they are or their personal beliefs
  • The use of symbols, images, categories, tags or other kinds of content that are intimidating or harmful to others outside of the context of encyclopedic, informational use. This includes imposing schemes on content intended to marginalize or ostracize.