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Wikimedia Foundation Universal Code of Conduct

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Wikimedia Foundation Universal Code of Conduct

Why we have a Universal Code of Conduct

Akwụkwọ nke a na akpọ ‘Universal Code of Conduct’ (UCoC) na-akọwa ntọala akparama agwa ndi a nabatara na ndi a na anabataghị. Akwụkwọ iwu a ga-emetụta mmekọrịta onye ọ bula na-eme ihe gbasara arụmarụ na Wikimedia na ịntanetị ma nke abụghị ịntanetị. Ụdị ndị a gụnyere ndị ọhụrụ na ndi aka ochie, ndi na-arụ ọrụ na ihe arụmarụ ndi Wikimidia, ndi nhazi ihe omụme na ndị sonyere na nzụkọ omụme, ndị ọrụ na ndị isi oche ụlọ ọrụ ndi Wikimidia nyere ikikere ha ịrụkọ ọrụ, yana ndi ọrụ ‘Wikimedia Foundation na ndi isi oche ha.Ọ metụtara ihe omume nile ndị mmadụ na-eme n’onwe ha nakwa na intanetị, oghere nke metụtara akọrọ ngwa teknụzụ, yana ọrụ Wikimidia na Wikis niile.

Anyị chọrọ ka otu ndị a di iche-iche bụrụ ebe di mma ma nwe ọnọdụ ọma, udo, ahụike,obi ụtọ maka ndị niile sonyere ya. Ọzọkwa, anyị chọrọ ichedo ọrụ anyị megide ndị na-emebi ma ọ bụ na-agbanwe ya na ụzọ na ezighi ezi.

UCoC nke a metụtara ndị Wikimidia niile na-enweghị onye a gụpụrụ. Ikpa agwa megide UCoC a ga-ewetara onye ahụ machibido site n’aka ndi isi na-anọchite anya ndị Wikimidia na ndị na-achị otu a (nke a metụtara ihe nrite maọbụ ihe nhuba ama metụtara otu ndị opekata mpe ) ma ọ bụ ndi Wikimedia Foundation dika ndi nwe iwu nke nyiwe.

Na nkwekọrịta mbunobi Wikimidia, ndị niile na-arụ ọrụ Wikimidiya na oghere ga:

  • E nyere aka mepụta ụwa nke onye ọ bụla nwere ike soro na mmụta n’efu nke ihe ọmụmu na agụmagụ niile.
  • Isonye na otu zuru ụwa ọnụ nke ga-ezere echiche ọjọọ na ajọ mbunobi,
  • Na gbalịsike i mme ihe ziri ezi, ikwu eziokwu,ịkwụba aka ọtọ na enweghi ntụpọ n’ ọrụ ya niile.

1 – Introduction

Nke a gụnyere:

  • Mmekọrịta, dị n’etiti ọha maọbụ mmadụ na ibe ya.
  • Usoro Mkpakọrịta ụka banyere ekweghị ekwe na atụmatụ ndị otu nakwa usoro ngosipụta idi n’otu n'etiti ndị otu a di iche-iche..
  • Okwu ndị metụtara uto nkanụzụ
  • Ngalaba nke ntinye ihe ndinaya
  • Ihe gbasara nnọchite anya ndi otu na nzukọ gụnyere otu ndị ọzọ nakwa ndị nkwado.
  • Oghere nke mmekọrịta ọha, mmeme, nzụkọ ndị na-eme nta akụkọ nakwa otu ndi ọkachamara

The Universal Code of Conduct applies equally to all Wikimedians without any exceptions. Actions that contradict the Universal Code of Conduct can result in sanctions. These may be imposed by designated functionaries (as appropriate in their local context) and/or by the Wikimedia Foundation as the legal owner of the platforms.

2 – Expected behaviour

Onye Wikimedian ọbụla, ma ndị ọhụrụ ma ndị ochie mara ihe ekwe na akụ, ndị ọrụ otu, ndị nkwado ma ọ bụ ndị otu bọọdu WMF ma ọ bụ ndị na-arụ ọrụ, nwere akparamagwa a tụrụ anya n’ aka ha.

Na ọrụ ndị Wikimedia niile, ohere, mmemme akparamagwa ga-agbado ụkwụ na nsọpụrụ, nkwanye ùgwù, ịdị n'ọtụ, ị nwee ofu obi ma bụrụ ezigbo nwaafọ obodo. Nke a pụtara na ndị niile na-atunye ma na-esonye ọrụ Wikimidia ga na-akparita ụka na-agbanyeghị ọnọdụ ha, ọgụgụ isi,ụdịdị ha,afọ ole ha dị, nkwenye ha, ofufe ha,obodo ha, ebe ha si,nke o ji agụnye ọrụ aka mmadụ, ọrụ nka, ihe mmadụ metara maọbụ ọnọdụ gị na Wikimidia. etu chi sịrị kee ha, obodo ha, ụka ha na-aga, ebe onye si ya na omenala ha, ma ogbenye ma ọgaranya, etu ọ si asụ asụsụ, ma nwoke ma nwaanyị, etu ọ sịrị eme, ma ọ bụ ihe ọ na arụ. Agaghị asọ onye ọ bụla arụ maka ọrụ ndị ọ rụgara, aka ọrụ ma ọ bụ ihe ọ bụ na otu ndị ọrụ Wikimedia ma ọ bụ njirimara ya.

2.1 – Mutual respect

Nkwanye ùgwù bụ inwe nsọpụrụ na nrubeisi na ebe mmadụ ibe gị nọ, tụmadị n’otu Wikimidia ma ụnụ ezukọrọ na ịntanetị ma ụnụ ezukọghị, ọdị mma ịkwanyere onye ọbụla ugwu dịka anyị si achọ ka egosi anyị,maka igbo na-ekwu‘’Onye fee Eze, Eze eru ya aka’’

Nke a gụnyere mana ọ kwụsịghị na;

  • * Ngosipụta ọmịiko. Gee ntị ma gbalịa ịghọta ihe [njikọ di iche iche ] nke ndị Wikimidians ọ bụla na-agwa gị. Dị njikere n’ uche gị ịgbanwe nghọta gị, atụmanya na omume gị dị ka Wikimedian.
  • Na-eche ezigbo echiche mgbe niile na mmekọrita gi na ndị ọzọ ma tinye aka na nhazi na ndozi ederede dị mma. Jiri obi ọma na obi di ọcha nabata nzaghach ozii. Nkatọ ga-abụ n’obi umeala, nkuzi na ndụmọdụ nakwa ezigbo usoro, atụmatụ doro anya, maka etu esi emeziwanye ihe nke ahụ ka ọdị mma.
  • Sọpụrụ ụzọ nke ndị odee edemede ndị ọzọ siri chọọ ka akpọ aha ha ma ọ bụ kọwaa onwe ha. Ndị mmadụ nwere ike iji okwu ụfọdụ akọwa onwe ha. Dị ka ihe ịrịba ama nke nkwanye ùgwù, jiri okwu ndị a mgbe gị na ha na-ekwurịta okwu ma ọ bụ banyere ndị a. Ihe atụ nkea gụnyere:
    • Agbụrụ dị iche iche nwere ike iji otu aha akọwa onwe ha, karịa aha ndị ọzọ ejibụ mara ha.
    • E nwere ike ịgaghị ama ụfọdụ ndị nwere aha dị iche na nghọta tụmadị n’ụdị mkpụrụ edemede,mkpụrụokwu, ụda olu na asụsụ ha ji dee aha ha maobụ ka esi akpọ aha ha.
    • Ndị ji aka ha wepụta aha njirimara n’ ụdị mmekọahụ ha nwere ma ọ bụ nnọchiaha njirimara nwoke na nwanyị nke ha chọrọ ịza ka osi masị ha,
    • Ndị achọpụtara nwere otu nkwarụ ma ọ bụ ọlusi nke enu ahụ ma ọ bu nwere ike iji okwu ụfọdụ kọwaa onwe ha.
  • Mgbe ọ bụla anyị na-ezute onwe anyị, anyị ga-agbasi mbọ ike ịnabata onye ọ bụla ma buru n’uche ndịiche anyi nwere di iche iche n’ụdị mmasị, ọdịnala, mbụnọbi ma kwanyere ọnye ọbụla ùgwù.
  • Assume good faith, and engage in constructive edits; your contributions should improve the quality of the project or work. Provide and receive feedback kindly and in good faith. Criticism should be delivered in a sensitive and constructive manner. All Wikimedians should assume unless evidence otherwise exists that others are here to collaboratively improve the projects, but this should not be used to justify statements with a harmful impact.
  • Respect the way that contributors name and describe themselves. People may use specific terms to describe themselves. As a sign of respect, use these terms when communicating with or about these people, where linguistically or technically feasible. Examples include:
    • Ethnic groups may use a specific name to describe themselves, rather than the name historically used by others;
    • People may have names that use letters, sounds, or words from their language which may be unfamiliar to you;
    • People who identify with a certain sexual orientation or gender identity using distinct names or pronouns;
    • People having a particular physical or mental disability may use particular terms to describe themselves
  • During in-person meetings, we will be welcoming to everyone and we will be mindful and respectful of each other's preferences, boundaries, sensibilities, traditions and requirements.

2.2 - Nsọpụrụ, ịdị n’otu, nkwanye ugwu na ị bụ ezigbo onye otu.

Nsọpụrụ na nrubeisi bụ agwa na-egosi ezigbo omume ma ikwu na ịgwa mmadụ ibe gị okwu tụmadị ndị ị na-amachaghị ọfuma. Ezi mmekọrịta bụ ụdị agwa kwesịrị ka ndị otu na-enwe n’etiti ha. Onye bụ ezigbo nwa afọ obodo bụ onye na-agba mbọ ihụ na-ewepụtara atụmaatụ Wikimedia bụ nke ga-enye obi ụtọ, mịta ezi mkpụrụ ma chedo ndị kwenyere na ya.

  • Civility is politeness in behaviour and speech amongst people, including strangers.
  • Collegiality is the friendly support that people engaged in a common effort extend to each other.
  • Mutual support and good citizenship means taking active responsibility for ensuring that the Wikimedia projects are productive, pleasant and safe spaces, and contribute to the Wikimedia mission.

Nke a gụnyere mana o gbochịghị:

  • Nkuzi na nkwado: I nyere ndị anabatara ọhụụ aka gbaziere ma kuziere ha ụfọdụ ihe mmụta di iche iche.
  • Looking out for fellow contributors: Lend them a hand when they need support, and speak up for them when they are treated in a way that falls short of expected behaviour as per the Universal Code of Conduct.
  • Ikele ndị nyere gị aka rụọ ọrụ. Gosi obi ụtọ gị ma nye ekele na otito nye ndị rụrụ ọrụ nke ọma.

3 – Unacceptable behaviour

Ebumnobi ezumezu maka akparamagwa Code of Conduct bụ ka- eme ka ndi otu a nwee ike ịchọpụta omume nke na-ezighị ezi maọbụ omume imegide na ịkparị mmadụ.. Ndi otu Wikimedia anabataghi udi omume ndia:

3.1 – Harassment

Omume ndi a gụnyere mmegịde mmadụ, ikpasụ mmadụ iwe. A na-agunye omume mmegide mgbe mmadụ kpasara mmadụ ibe ya ụdịrị agwa onye ahụ na ainabatghị [buru nobi omenala na ebumnuche agwa a metụtara]. Omume mmegide mmadụ na-abịakarị n’ụdị obi mgbawa tụmadị n’ebe ndị ụwa na-atụ n ‘ọnụ, ndị na-enweghi onye ga-ekwuchitere ha.

  • * Mkparị: Nke a bụ ikpọ mmadu aha n’ụzọ ileda mmadụ anya n’ihi ọdịdị onye ahụ,amamihe onye ahụ,ofufe ya,omenala ya,obodo maọbụ mpaghara onye ahụ si, okpukperechi ya,, ntupo anu ahu,afọ ole madu di,otu ndọrọndọrọ ọchịchị na ihe ndị ọzọ.Oge ụfọdụ, mkpasu iwe, ime mmadụ akaja so na mkparị ọbụrụgodi na okwu-ọnụ nkịtị esoghi ya.
  • Idina mmadu n’ike; Idina nwoke ma ọbụ nwanyi n’ike na- anataghi ikike site n’aka onye ahu megidere iwu.
  • Nchagide anya; Iji aka ike,ụlọ ikpe, ime mmadụ akaja, iyi egwu ma ọbụ mmerụ ahụ ugboro ugboro iji mee ka onye ọzọ kwenye n’okwu gị maọbụ mee ihe ị chọrọ ka o mee.
  • Ikwado mmekpa ahụ onye ọzọ maọbụ ndị ọzọ; Nke a gụnyere ikwadọ onye ọzọ ịmerụ maọbụ ịgbu onwe ya maọbụ ikwado mmadụ imerụ maọbụ imegide onye ọzọ..
  • Mgbanwe Akaara(Doxing);Ịbipụta ozi gbasara onye ọzọ dika aha, ụlọ,akara imelụ. akara ekwentị, ebe onye ahu bi ma ọbụ akara ozuruụwa bụ Intaneti nakwa akara waya bụ Imeelụ ma onye ahu enyeghi gi ikike.Ekwesịghị ịdepụta edemede onye ọzọ n’ebe a nke onye dere ya na-achọghị ka ọhanaeze mara maka ya.
  • Nsogharị (Stalking); Isogharị mmadụ n’ọrụ niile ọ na-arụ ma na-akatọ ọrụ iji kpasuo ya iwe maọbụ mee ka ọ wepụ uche n’otu a.
  • Nta mgbochi( Trolling);Nke a bụ mmadụ ịkpachapụ anya dee ihe na- adịghị mma ka iwe wee onye ọ na-ede maka ya.
  • Sexual harassment: Sexual attention or advances of any kind towards others where the person knows or reasonably should know that the attention is unwelcome or in situations where consent cannot be communicated.
  • Threats: Explicitly or implicitly suggesting the possibility of physical violence, unfair embarrassment, unfair and unjustified reputational harm, or intimidation by suggesting gratuitous legal action to win an argument or force someone to behave the way you want.
  • Encouraging harm to others: This includes encouraging someone else to commit self-harm or suicide as well as encouraging someone to conduct violent attacks on a third party.
  • Disclosure of personal data (Doxing): sharing other contributors' private information, such as name, place of employment, physical or email address without their explicit consent either on the Wikimedia projects or elsewhere, or sharing information concerning their Wikimedia activity outside the projects.
  • Hounding: following a person across the project(s) and repeatedly critiquing their work mainly with the intent to upset or discourage them. If problems are continuing after efforts to communicate and educate, communities may need to address them through established community processes.
  • Trolling: Deliberately disrupting conversations or posting in bad-faith to intentionally provoke.

3.2 – Abuse of power, privilege, or influence

Mmegbu na-ewere ọnọdụ mgbe mmadụ ji ọkwa ,ikike na ebube ya akpagbu ndị ọzọ n’ụdị enyeghị ha nsọpụrụ. Na gburugburu Wikimedia ọ na-abụkarị ụdị mmegbu nke ime mmụọ (okwu ọnụ, uche, mmetọ mmụọ nke na-ebute obi mgbawa) ma tinyere mmegide.

  • Mmegbu nke ndị isi ndị ọrụ: Mmegbu ndị ọchịchị na ndị isi otu Wikimidiadị iche iche iji ihe akụrụngwa ma ọ bụ ihe ọmụmụ ha nwere wee na-eyi ndị ọzọ egwu maọbụ na-akpagbu ha iji nweta nrite na uru ga-abara naanị ha.
  • Mmegbu nke ndị ọkenye nakwa njikọrịta otu otu: Iji ọnọdụ mmadụ ma ọ bụ ka esi mara ya na-eyi ndị ọzọ egwu ma na akpagbu ha. Anyị na-si ndị mmadụ gbanyere agbanye na ihe gbasara Wikimedia ka ha 'kpachapụ anya na mmekọrịta ha na ndị ọzọ n'ihi na okwu ọjọọ nwere ike ibute ihe ana-atụghị anya n’ ụzọ mmekpa ahụ n’ ebe ndị enyi na ndị nkwado ha nọ.
  • Nhazi nke mmegide na ụzọ dị njọ: Ịrụ ọrụ (naanị gi ma ọ bụ n’ otu) ime ka mmadụ nwee obi abụọ n'echiche ya, uche ya, ma ọ bụ nghọta ya gbasara onwe ya. Ndị nwere ikike na otu Wikimedia dị iche iche nwere ihe ùgwù pụrụ iche nke ịbụ onye otu a ga-ele anya dị ka ndị a pụrụ ịtụkwasị obi. Ma ha ekwesịghị iji nke a mee ihe iji wakpo ndị ọzọ na-ekwenyeghị na ha ma ọ bụ ihe ha kwuru.
  • Abuse of office by functionaries, officials and staff: use of authority, knowledge, or resources at the disposal of designated functionaries, as well as officials and staff of the Wikimedia Foundation or Wikimedia affiliates, to intimidate or threaten others.
  • Abuse of seniority and connections: Using one's position and reputation to intimidate others. We expect people with significant experience and connections in the movement to behave with special care because hostile comments from them may carry an unintended backlash. People with community authority have a particular privilege to be viewed as reliable and should not abuse this to attack others who disagree with them.
  • Psychological manipulation: Maliciously causing someone to doubt their own perceptions, senses, or understanding with the objective to win an argument or force someone to behave the way you want.

3.3 - Imebi ma ọ bụ mmejọ ọrụ edemede ndị mmadụ

Ikpachapu anya webata ederede na-ezighi ezi ma ọ bụ nke na-adịghị mma na ọrụ Wikimedia ma ọ bụ ịna-egbochi ịmepụta na nhazi ederede ọhụrụ. Nke a gụnyere mana ọkwụsịghị na;

  • iwepụ ederede Wikimedia ugboro ugboro na-emeghị nyocha kwesịrị ekwesị ma ọ bụ adịghị enye nzaghachi na ndezi ọrụ ndị mmadụ iji gaa n’ihu maọbụ dezie ya nke ọma.
  • Ikpachapu anya ugboro ugboro na-agbanwe ederede iji kwado ma ọbụ dọnyere otu ndị ukwu.
  • Okwu ịkpọasị n’ụdị ọbụla nke na-ezube imechu mmadụ ihu, nwedaa ala, ma ọ bụ kpalite ịkpọasị megide otu ma ọ bụ ihe metụtara agbụrụ, okpukpe, ụcha akpụkpọ ahụ, njirimara nwoke na nwanyị, agbụrụ ma ọ bụ okike nwoke na nwanyi, maka nkwarụ , ma ọ bụ obodo na mpaghara mmadụ si
  • itinye akara, ma ọ bụ ihe ederede, ihe nrịba ama iji meegbuo ndị ọzọ ma ọ bụ butere ha mmekpa ahụ.
  • The repeated arbitrary or unmotivated removal of any content without appropriate discussion or providing explanation
  • Systematically manipulating content to favour specific interpretations of facts or points of view (also by means of unfaithful or deliberately false rendering of sources and altering the correct way of composing editorial content)
  • Hate speech in any form, or discriminatory language aimed at vilifying, humiliating, inciting hatred against individuals or groups on the basis of who they are or their personal beliefs
  • The use of symbols, images, categories, tags or other kinds of content that are intimidating or harmful to others outside of the context of encyclopedic, informational use. This includes imposing schemes on content intended to marginalize or ostracize.