A micro air vehicle (MAV) comprises features that emulate
insect-like topology and flight, including a dangling three part body (100a, 100b, 100c), wing-like dual side rotors (107, 107a) positioned to either side on rotor arms (103) providing tilt and teeter motions to vector thrust and allow
crawling along improved surfaces, and elevators (101) that approximate the center of gravity and center of
pressure control employed by insects via the inertial reaction and aerodynamic influence of a repositionable
abdomen. Control, sensing, surveillance, and
payload elements (114), (401), (402), (403), (404), (405), and (407) enable transmission of surveillance and engagement of an emerging target. Left and right
perch hangers and grapples (112, 112a) allow perching on various structures, and
energy storage (504) and (505) combined with power line (500) and solar (502) energy
scavenging circuitry allow extended loiter and mission duration by replenishing onboard energy supplies.