A system for efficient delivery of
radio frequency (RF) energy to cardiac tissue with an
ablation catheter used in
catheter ablation, with new concepts regarding the interaction between RF energy and
biological tissue. In addition, new insights into methods for coagulum reduction during
RF ablation will be presented, and a
quantitative model for ascertaining the propensity for coagulum formation during
RF ablation will be introduced. Effective practical techniques a represented for multichannel simultaneous RF
energy delivery with real-time calculation of the Coagulum Index, which estimates the probability of coagulum formation. This information is used in a feedback and
control algorithm which effectively reduces the probability of coagulum formation during
ablation. For each ablation channel, electrical
coupling delivers an RF
electrical current through an ablation
electrode of the ablation
catheter and a temperature sensor is positioned relative to the ablation
electrode for measuring the temperature of cardiac tissue in contact with the ablation
electrode. A
current sensor is provided within each channel circuitry for measuring the current delivered through said electrical
coupling and an
information processor and RF output controller coupled to said temperature sensor and said
current sensor for estimating the likelihood of coagulum formation. When this functionality is propagated simultaneously through multiple ablation channels, the resulting linear or curvilinear
lesion is deeper with less gaps. Hence, the clinical result is improved due to improved
lesion integrity.