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Actividad 2-Modelos de Negocio

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Somos honestos y socialmente responsables

Insurance for dogs

SUBJECT: Business Model






Teacher: Graciela Camargo Piña

DATE: 10/04/2024


We all know that in these days dogs are pretty important to some people, they are loyal, friendly and we
all love them. In this activity, we will see the example of dogs’ insurances, this is a good example for this
activity, since we are going to use the business model canvas, we will use the example of the dogs’
insurances companies to fullfill the 9 aspects of the diagram, and we are also going to identify other main
aspects like the company sector of this businesses, their usual consumption habits, and others.
Seguros para perros

En esta actividad reforzarás la competencia Sello EBC: Emprendimiento-innovación, tu

competencia técnica: Uso de la metodología Lean Startup, y tu competencia laboral: Trabajo en

Instrucciones: lee con atención la siguiente situación y realiza lo que se solicita.


¿Seguros para perros?, ¿habías oído hablar de ellos?

Las generaciones han modificado sus proyectos de vida: los espacios más pequeños, los gastos
más altos y las estancias o permanencias en los lugares de trabajo más breve, junto con el
tiempo invertido en desplazarse son todos factores que han reducido el tiempo de calidad
para convivir con las familias. Por ello cada vez es más importante la presencia de las
mascotas en la vida de los humanos, ¡se han vuelto parte de la familia! Y los humanos ahora
comparten sus vidas activas muy cercanamente con los ahora llamados “perrhijos”.

De acuerdo con un artículo del Economista (2021) la industria de las mascotas está
evolucionando: cada vez más restaurantes, hoteles y tiendas adaptan su concepto de negocios
para convertirse en espacios pet friendly. Incluso en la actualidad se estilan los seguros para
perros, los cuales abarcan una gran gama de servicios que los protegen y garantizan el
cuidado de su salud y los servicios de emergencias que pudieran necesitar. Estas pólizas
también cubren la responsabilidad de los dueños de los perros frente a otras personas.

1. Conforma equipos de trabajo multidisciplinarios; deberán pertenecer a diferentes


2. Observen el video Seguro de Responsabilidad Civil. Seguros para perros, todo lo que debes

3. Discutan la realidad que plantea el video de España en contraste con lo que se vive en

4. Organicen tres comisiones en su equipo:

1. Segmento de mercado

a. Definan el segmento de mercado de personas que tienen perros como mascotas en

tu ciudad.
People that are more than 16 years old, that have at least 1 dog as a pet, which are willing to
spend money in their pet, and that live in the city of Querétaro.

b. Investiguen, en documentos estadísticos, sus hábitos de compra actuales.

The most common consumption habits in people that own dogs include:

They are connected to both the real and digital world.

They like to be informed about what products and habits are better for their pets.
They are open to recieve publicity online.
They share their experiences with ohter possible customers.
They use mostly online shops.
The products they buy the most include: food, accessories, clothes, technology, services like

2. Benchmarking

c. Realicen un benchmarking entre las diferentes compañías que actualmente ofrecen

seguros para perros. Deberán considerar:

· Características.

· Coberturas.

· Precio.

· Condiciones de uso.

Mapfre offers a basic policy from €64.41 per year, including coverage for damage, theft, loss, and
telephone advice. It is the most economical option for those looking for simple and effective

Petplan, known for its specialization in pet insurance, offers comprehensive coverage with 100%
reimbursement of veterinary expenses, subject to a co-payment of €45, with an annual limit of up to
€3,100. Their plans include compensation for death, theft, and dog boarding expenses, among
others, with prices starting at €20​​.

SantéVet distinguishes itself by offering three types of insurance adapted to different budgets and
needs, with reimbursements that vary from 50% to 90% and annual spending limits between €1,100
and €2,200. In addition, it allows free choice of veterinarian, which adds significant value for the

Adeslas presents both basic and complete options, standing out for its comprehensive coverage that
includes everything from veterinary consultations to legal advice, with prices that are around €70.20
per year for basic coverage, and €269 per year for the most complete coverage​​.

Cofidis Mascotsegur de Agrupación, for its part, offers insurance from €7.67 per month, with coverage
that includes surgical interventions and veterinary assistance, among others. This insurance is
particularly attractive for those who frequently travel with their pets, thanks to its pet travel

3. Estudio de mercado
d. Realicen un pequeño estudio de mercado entre 30 personas que tengan perros como
e. Identifiquen sus hábitos de compra y expectativas hacia un seguro para perros.

When it comes to purchasing dog insurance, pet owners are mainly looking for
comprehensive coverage that offers financial security against veterinary emergencies and
routine care costs. They value policies that cover a wide range of health issues, including
hereditary conditions and behavioral problems. Additional benefits, like nutritional guidance
and legal advice, as well as flexible and cost-effective options, are also important to them.
Essentially, dog owners want to ensure they can provide the best care for their pets without
straining their budget.

5. Diseñen una propuesta de seguro para perros a la medida; deberán tomar como base los
hallazgos obtenidos en el punto anterior.

Custom Canine Care Insurance Plan

Core Coverage:
Comprehensive Medical: Covers illnesses, accidents, hereditary conditions, and behavioral issues.
No exclusion for breed-specific conditions.
Emergency Services: 24/7 coverage for emergency visits, including surgeries and hospital stays.
Routine Care: Annual check-ups, vaccinations, flea and tick prevention, and dental cleanings.
Nutritional Guidance: Access to consultations with veterinary nutritionists to tailor your dog's diet
for optimal health.
Legal Advice: Coverage includes legal consultation fees in case your dog causes damage or has legal
Loss and Bereavement Support: Provides financial support for lost pet advertisements and
bereavement counseling services in the unfortunate event of a pet's death.
Travel Assurance: Reimbursement for pet boarding costs or pet sitter fees if you need to travel
without your pet.
Adjustable Deductibles and Co-Pays: Customize your plan according to your budget and desired
level of coverage.
Multi-Pet Discount: Special rates for families with more than one pet insured under the plan.
Eco Paw Partnership: For every policy purchased, a portion of the proceeds goes towards
environmental conservation efforts in honor of your pet.

6. Utilicen alguna herramienta digital para elaborar una pizarra virtual de los nueve módulos
del Lean Canvas.

7. Identifiquen los elementos de cada bloque del modelo Canvas; deberán colocarlos en la
pizarra virtual.

8. Compartan el link de su pizarra virtual para que puedan recibir retroalimentación de su

9. Respondan las siguientes preguntas:

a. ¿Por qué es importante considerar los nueve módulos de un modelo de negocio en

proyectos de emprendimiento?

The importance of the business model canvas is that “it allows you to build a competitive and
innovative business model in a very visual way” (Alonso, 2024), this means that by defining these
9 points you will get a well defined stategy and plan to get your business to develop in the best
way possible.

b. ¿Qué otras herramientas o metodologías pueden ayudar a determinar la propuesta de

valor de una idea de negocio?

SWOT analysis
Control or command board
Value Proposition canvas
Customer Journey Map

Patricio: In summary, I believe that obtaining insurance for your dog is highly beneficial. It provides
legal protection and can encompass expenses such as dental care. Additionally, in the event of
emergencies during travel or illness, insurance can assist in covering medication costs, ensuring
financial ease.

Dominick: As a conclusion, I think having dog insurance is really important. It helps protect us legally
and can cover things like dental care. Plus, if something happens when you're traveling or if your dog
gets sick, insurance can help you afford medicine.

Alexander: After doing this activity in class, we learned that there are many things to think about to
see if our business idea is good. This includes what's in the business model canvas. Besides that,
there are also different ways to check if our business plans are working well.

Juan Luis: After realizing this activity in class, we learnt that there are many aspects to have in count
to know if our business idea is reliable, including the ones that are included in the business model
canvas. And besides that canvas, there are also different tools and strategies that help us to analyze
how effective our business strategies are.


Diaz, A. G. (2021, July 21). Amantes de los perros, conoce sus hábitos de consumo.
La Opinión. (2024). Aumentan las razones para contratar un seguro de mascota: por qué.
Retrieved from
El Espectador. (2022). Seguros para mascotas: ¿qué cubre y qué beneficios tiene adquirir este
seguro? Retrieved from
El Tiempo. (2022). Seguros para sus mascotas: todo lo que debe saber en este 2022. Retrieved

Nota: tu docente/asesor puede proponer algunos otros puntos, siempre que lo considere
pertinente. Sin embargo, es importante considerar, en un primer momento, las que aquí se
enlistan y que responden a los objetivos planteados.

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