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Ingeniería y Competitividad, Volumen 15, No. 2, p.

191 - 200 (2013)


Treatment of vinasse by using electro-dissolution and

chemical flocculation

Tratamiento de vinaza empleando electrodisolución y

floculación química
Charles Cardona*, Fiderman Machuca-Martínez*, Nilson Marriaga-Cabrales*§

*Chemical Engineering School. Universidad del Valle. Cali, Colombia.,,

(Recibido: 19 de Abril de 2013-Aceptado: 21 de Junio de 2013)

Vinasse is the most important waste from the bioethanol plants due to its high polluting potential, for this it has received
special attention because of interest to develop new treatment alternatives. It was evaluated the removal capacity of
solids content and other parameters of vinasse by using electro-dissolution of iron and chemical flocculation through
separate stages. The appropriate operating conditions for electro-dissolution were established by means of linear
polarization sweeps and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy analyses. During the flocculation were conducted
jar tests by using Ca(OH)2 as coadjuvant agent and as pH modifier. In this way, was possible to diminish 84% total
solids, 54% chemical oxygen demand, 88% dissolved organic carbon and 76% color. The electrical consumption
during electro-dissolution was 0.25 kWh/m3.

Keywords: Electrocoagulation, electrodissolution, flocculation, vinasse

La vinaza es el residuo más importante de las plantas de bioetanol debido a su alto potencial contaminante, por esto
ha recibido gran atención debido al interés de desarrollar nuevas alternativas de tratamiento. Se evaluó la capacidad
de reducción del contenido de sólidos y otros parámetros de la vinaza empleando electrodisolución de hierro y
floculación química a través de etapas separadas. Las condiciones de operación adecuadas para llevar a cabo la
electrodisolución de hierro se establecieron a través de barridos de polarización lineal y análisis de espectroscopia
de impedancia electroquímica. Durante la floculación se llevaron a cabo pruebas de jarras empleando Ca(OH)2
como modificador de pH y como agente coadyuvante. De esta manera fue posible disminuir 84% los sólidos totales,
54% la demanda química de oxígeno, 88% el carbono orgánico disuelto, y 76% el color. El consumo eléctrico
durante la electrodisolución fue 0.25 kWh/m3.

Palabras claves: Electrocoagulación, electrodisolución, floculación, vinaza

Ingeniería y Competitividad, Volumen 15, No. 2, p. 191 - 200 (2013)

1. Introduction simple operation, for these reasons, applications

have increased in recent years. Effluents
During years it has been studied numerous ways containing heavy metals, food waste, waste oil,
to treat vinasse from ethanol distillery. Previous organic matter from landfill leachates, phenols,
studies (Pant & Adholeya, 2007; Satyawali nitrates, sulfates, fluoride, arsenic, chromium
& Balakrishnan, 2008) have considered that and organic compounds non-biodegradable, have
anaerobic treatments are most attractive for been treated with this technology (Emamjomeh &
pollutants removal of vinasse because energy can Sivakumar , 2009).
be recovered from biogas. However, anaerobic
treatments do not degrade melanoidins which are Therefore, the electrocoagulation has become
responsible for brown color of the vinasse and interesting alternative for VBP treatment; Kumar
also they are persistent compounds (Chandra, et al. (2009) achieved 50% of COD removal
et al. 2008; Liang, et al. 2009). This has led to in VBP from an initial content of 15,600 ppm
study the combination of anaerobic treatments and also 92% of color removal by using iron
with advanced oxidation processes (Martín, et anodes during electrocoagulation. Thakur, et
al. 2002) or by using bio-concentration processes al. (2009) achieved 61% of COD removal from
(Navarro, et al. 2000) an initial content of 9,300 ppm and also 98% of
color removal by using stainless steel anodes.
In addition, It have been studied other In another study, VBT with 4,500 ppm of COD
physicochemical treatments as adsorption, was subjected to chemical flocculation and it
coagulation, electrochemical oxidation and was achieved 80% of COD removal (Ryan, et
membranes technologies; in spite of this, an al. 2008). Here was reported that treatment of
efficient technology that can be used for treatment 1,000 m3/day of VBP would require 6 ton/day
of vinasse has not been found yet (Mohana, et al. of conventional coagulant, whereas through the
2009). Chemical coagulation by using inorganic electrocoagulation it would take only 300 kg/
salts, such as FeCl3∙6H2O or Al2(SO4)3∙16H2O, day of iron. Likewise, VBP (3,950 ppm COD)
have proven to be effective for color removal was treated by electrocoagulation using iron
of vinasse biologically pretreated (VBP) but and aluminum electrodes and were achieved
the coagulant consumption is actually high reductions of 99% color and 80% COD (Gadd, et
(Chaudhari, et al. 2007). Diluted vinasse with al. 2010).
6,000 ppm of chemical oxygen demand (COD) has
also been treated by electro-oxidation in presence In spite of this, even exists few studies of
of sodium chloride (15,000 ppm), achieving electrocoagulation applied to untreated vinasse
diminish 99% of COD (Vijayaraghavan, et al. (raw vinasse); nevertheless, the electrocoagulation
1999) but with a high electricity consumption, has been employed for decolorizing raw vinasse
around of 30 kWh/m3. Yavuz (2007) assessed the (diluted up to 17.5%) using iron anodes (Prasad,
electro-fenton technique applied to VBP (4,985 et al. 2008). They were found out that at current
ppm of COD) and achieved 93% of COD removal; density of 31 mA cm-2 and 31,500 coulombs/liter
likewise, Dávila, et al. (2011) also studied the could be reduced 93.5% the color; unfortunately
electrocoagulation-electroflotation of raw vinasse they did not shown the characteristics of vinasse
without dilution (160,000 ppm of COD) and they studied. Also, this technique was applied to
achieved 61% of COD removal by using up to diluted vinasse (14,500 ppm of COD) by using
60,000 ppm of H2O2. aluminum electrodes and additionally it was
supplied activated carbon (40,000 ppm of COD);
On the other hand, the electrocoagulation has thus, it was achieved to diminish 80% COD and
shown some advantages over conventional 99% turbidity (Kannan, et al. 2006). Recently,
wastewater treatments such as its low cost and its electrocoagulation was used simultaneously with

Ingeniería y Competitividad, Volumen 15, No. 2, p. 191 - 200 (2013)

ozone in diluted raw vinasse (2,500 ppm COD) potentiostat PC4-750. The effects of pH and
and was achieved complete discoloration and the current density during the electrodissolution
83% reduction in COD (Asaithambi, et al. 2012). were evaluated by supplying the same specific
The ozone dosage was 15 L min-1 for two hours of electrical charges (15,000 C L-1). The solution
treatment and required power consumption in the resistance behavior, the charge transfer resistance
electrocoagulation was 5.1 kWh m-3. and double-layer capacitance during the iron
electrodissolution process were established by
Electrocoagulation is a process based on the using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
electrolytic dissolution of a metal as iron or
(EIS). Three EIS spectra were taken at 30 minutes
aluminum and in situ production of insoluble
intervals, keeping the current density (J) at 0.3
amorphous species. However, this method has
mA cm-2.
severe limitations when the suspension to be
treated has high buffer-capacity, like the raw
Final tests. The experiments were conducted by
vinasse, due to it is increased the electrical
varying the theoretical dosage of iron (through of
energy consumption. The purpose of this study
the specific electric charge magnitude supplied)
was to evaluate the removal of total solids
content in untreated vinasse by combining iron- and by setting the initial pH at 4.5 and current
electrodissolution and chemical-flocculation. density at 0.3 mA/cm2. The parameter Rc was
defined to relate the theoretical amount of iron
2. Matherials and methods supplied during the electrodissolution and the
solids content of the vinasse, then was calculated
2.1 Iron-electrodissolution by Eq. (1).
The lab-scale cell consisted of a plexiglas i×t
Rc = (1)

recipient with volume of 1,000 mL and flat St
electrodes (monopolar configuration) with six
316 stainless steel cathodes and five anodes of where i represents the current supplied in
carbon-steel (ASTM-A-36). The electrodes had amperes, t is time in seconds, and St represents
dimensions of 9×6 cm with 3 mm gap among the total solids concentration (%) in the treated
them and total anodic area was 900 cm2. The raw
vinasse. Also, it was studied the influence of
vinasse was recycled through a centrifugal pump
three Rc values: 1,000; 1,500 and 2,000 during
which supplied an upward flow of 1.9 L min-1.
the electrodissolution stage and its effect on the
Direct current was supplied by an Extech® source
of 5A, which was used in galvanostatic mode. flocculation stage. Under these considerations
Before testing the electrodes were subjected to and for comparison effects, the iron content in
dry abrasion with abrasive paper No. 500 and the solution was measured by atomic absorption
then with abrasive paper No. 1,200 to get a shiny and the physiochemical characteristics of samples
appearance. Afterward, the electrodes were rinsed were determined according the standard methods
with distilled water and immersed in acetone for (AHPA, 1998). For all tests were established the
about ten minutes to remove any traces of oil or power consumption, W in kWh m-3, through the
grease. Finally they were rinsed with distilled Eq. 2.
water before use them in electrodissolution.
W= (2)

Preliminary tests. The current density magnitude 3,600 × vol
in the lab-scale cell was established by recording
the linear polarization resistance in a three where v represents the voltage supplied in volts
electrodes cell assembly by using a Gamry and vol is the volume of sample in liters.

Ingeniería y Competitividad, Volumen 15, No. 2, p. 191 - 200 (2013)

2.2 Chemical flocculation was observed onset a passivation phenomenon.

Gadd, et al. (2010) studied electrocoagulation of
The vinasse samples were taken after going biologically treated vinasse and they found out the
through the electrodissolution stage (Rc 1,500) formation of localized pits on the anode surface
and then diluted with different ratios by using due to presence of chloride ions that would lead
distilled water. The jar tests were carried out with to an aggressive corrosion environment but there
rapid stirring (500 rpm) during 10 seconds and was no evidence of anodic protection at current
then slow agitation (70 rpm) for 10 minutes, using densities below 5 mA cm-2. Possibly the Fe2+
a slurry of Ca(OH)2 (7% w/w) as pH modifier formed insoluble species on the anode surface
and coagulation adjuvant agent. For all tests, the causing a sudden increase in the electrode voltage;
residual turbidity in the supernatant was recorded for that reason, the system should be operated at
with a Hach-2000 turbidity meter and removal lower current densities. Moreover, Mansouri, et
of solids was registered by evaporation of the al. (2011) found out that the presence of phosphate
samples at 105 °C by using a Radwag thermo- ions inhibits the corrosion of iron by formation
analytical balance. of a passive layer of iron hydroxide/phosphate on
anode surface. It is known that the vinasse has
For conditions which highest turbidity removal
high content of chloride ions and phosphate ions;
was obtained (Rc 1,500 and St 10%), subsequent
therefore, this could be related with the behavior
flocculations were performed (pH=11.5) using
found here.
supernatant instead of distilled water for dilution.
For this reason, were assessed all parameters
of interest carrying out three continuous
recirculation of supernatant. The obtained sludge
was lyophilized (-80 °C and 3 Pa) with a FDU-
2100 Eyela lyophilizer, and scanning electron
micrographs were recorded with a JEOL (JSM-
6490LV) equipment.

3. Results and discussion

The characteristic parameters of the raw vinasse
were: 40,000 ppm of dissolved organic carbon
(DOC); 125,000 ppm of COD; 10.4% w/w of total
solids (TS); pH of 4.6; turbidity of 2,140 NTU
and electrical conductivity of 20.1 mS/cm.
Figure 1. Current density vs. anodic potential
3.1 Electrochemical analysis

Important information was obtained from the Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS).
study of the iron-electrodissolution process and The linear polarization does not demonstrate the
the electrode passivation in the electrolytic reactor electrode behavior with time whilst EIS provides
through of techniques as linear anodic polarization information related with reaction mechanism.
and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Nyquist diagrams revealed three arcs with
increasing diameters when iron-electrodissolution
Linear anodic polarization. The electrodissolution took place (Figure 2); therefore, the transient
of Fe2+ showed faradic behavior (Figure 1) up behavior of the anode can be described by a
to 13.5 mA cm-2 (540 mV vs Ag/AgCl) where Randles circuit. This would indicate that only

Ingeniería y Competitividad, Volumen 15, No. 2, p. 191 - 200 (2013)

appeared an active-adsorbed specie on anode Table 1. Fitted parameters (Randles circuit)

surface during the electrodissolution (Maddala, Time, min
et al. 2010). In acidic solutions the reaction Parameter
0 30 60
mechanism of the iron dissolution considered a
Rct (ohm) 28.8 48.4 57.5
non-catalytic path (Vukovic, 1996):
Rs (ohm) x 10 3
177 165 164
Fe + H2O ⇆ (FeOH)ads + H+ + e‾‾ (3) Cf (F) x 10 3
1.6 1.7 1.6

Determining step involves the dissolution of an 3.2 Iron-electrodissolution

active complex adsorbed on the metal surface:
Effect of pH and current density (J). During the
(FeOH)ads → FeOH + e + ‾‾
(4) electrodissolution the pH of the vinasse was
increased but this effect was less noticeable when
J decreased (Figure 3). The pH did not show
The complex ions FeOH+ are produced easily and
significant changes when was used low current
are converted in Fe2+ ions:
density (0.3 mA cm-2), although for initial pH
greater to 4.5 was observed an increase to 35% at
FeOH+ + H+ ⇆ Fe2+ + H2O (5) the final pH when J = 13 mA cm-2.

The values obtained fitting the parameters of

the Randles circuit with the Nyquist diagrams
are shown in Table 1. This results indicate that
the charge transfer resistance (Rct) of the anode-
vinasse interface increased by 65% during the
first 30 minutes and then 21% additional during
the remaining 30 minutes. This would suggest the
formation of insoluble species on the electrode
surface during the first hour of operation. The Fe2+
reacted with OH¯ ions generated at the cathode to
form insoluble hydroxides [Fe(H2O)5(OH)2], this
layer diminished the fraction of area occupied for
active complex adsorbed species that contribute
with the electrodissolution (eq. 3); therefore was
increased Rct (Ma, et al. 1998). Figure 3. Final pH behavior vs. initial pH and J. (♦) 0.3 mA
cm-2, (Ο) 2.0 mA cm-2, (▲) 13 mA cm-2.

The H2 production rate at the cathode reaction

diminish when J decreases, this is equivalent
to a reduction of the OH¯ production rate. In
-Z imag (ohm)

addition, the formation of complex-iron ions due

to hydrolysis consumes OH¯ ions; hence, the
interaction of these phenomena would explain why
the pH at low current densities was not increased.
Sasson, et al. (2009) showed that at low current
Z real (ohm)
densities and low pH, the iron-electrodissolution
Figure 2. EIS curves for the raw vinasse at 10% w/w. (♦) 0 was favored due to contribution simultaneous of
min, (O) 30 min, (▲) 60 min. the chemical corrosion.

Ingeniería y Competitividad, Volumen 15, No. 2, p. 191 - 200 (2013)

Figure 4 shows the behavior of the lab-cell voltage chemical bridge due to the increased concentration
and the pH after 4 hours of operation for two of ions as HPO4-2, Ca2+, Fe2+ y Mg2+ contents in the
values of J. When it was applied the lower J value, vinasse (Voegelin, et al. 2010).
the cell voltage and the pH were kept constant;
conversely, these two variables were increased
when it was operated at 0.8 mA cm-2. The increase
in the voltage was particularly high (80 mV to
1,200 mV) in the last two hours of operation. This
can be attributed to the presence of insoluble iron
oxy-hydroxides attached to the electrode surface
causing its partial passivation. The presence of
these insoluble species at a pH above 5.5 can cause
inefficient metal electrodissolution (Linares-
Hernández, et al. 2009; Cañizares, et al. 2009).

Figure 5. Turbidity and solids removal. [(Ο) Rc=1,000;

(▲) Rc=1,500; (∆) Rc=2,000]

Current efficiency. By comparing the theoretical

amount of Fe2+ (4,000 ppm calculated by using
Faraday’s law) to the registered total iron by
atomic absorption (1,400 ppm) only was possible
achieve an efficiency of 35%. This low efficiency
was attributed to the formation of insoluble
species adsorbed on anodes; despite this, the
power consumption was low just 0.25 kWh m-3.

Figure 4. Cell voltage and pH behavior vs. J. [(•) 0.3 3.3 Chemical flocculation
mA/cm2; (∆) 0.8 mA cm-2]
Figure 6 shows the behavior of the residual
turbidity and lime consumption in the range of
Effect of Rc. Figure 5 shows the behavior of the
pH tested for flocculation. As the pH increased
reducing turbidity (% RT) and reducing total solids
in flocculation, the residual turbidity in the
(% RS) when was varied Rc during subsequent
supernatant was reduced achieving a maximum
flocculation tests. The lowest turbidity removal
reduction at pH of 11.5.
was achieved when Rc=1,000 which would
indicate that the applied electric charge was not
sufficient to obtain the necessary concentration of It has been shown (Semerjian & Ayoub, 2003)
iron cations. that the process of clarification of wastewaters
with high content of Mg2+, Ca2+, CO32-, and
For Rc greater or equal to 1,500 and to the extent HPO43, like vinasse, is strongly favored at pH
that the content of solids in the vinasse increased, greater to 11 due to precipitation of insoluble
the turbidity removal and solids removal were salts. The following equations show the possible
improved. The possible cause is related to the reactions of different ions in the solution during
destabilization of colloids by incorporating a the flocculation process.

Ingeniería y Competitividad, Volumen 15, No. 2, p. 191 - 200 (2013)

Ca(OH)2 + Ca(HCO3)2 ⇆ 2CaCO3↓ + 2H2O


3Ca(OH)2 + 2(PO4)3‾ ⇆ Ca3(PO4)2↓ + 6OH


4Ca(OH)2 + 3(PO4)3‾ + H2O ⇆ Ca4H(PO4)3↓ + 9OH¯


Ca(OH)2 + MgSO4 ⇆ Mg(OH)2↓ + CaSO4 ↓


Also, the chemical equilibrium of ferrous species

in aqueous solutions (Figure 7) reveals that at pH
greater to 11 the Fe(OH)2 achieves the saturation
as a precipitated amorphous solid (Morgan & Figure 6. Jar test (Rc=1500 and St=10%). [(•) %TR; (Ο)
consumed lime]
Lahav, 2007). Figure 8 shows the characteristic
porosity of the settled solids obtained during
flocculation, this would have relation with
phenomena of aggregation of amorphous
species of ferrous-hydroxide and of slaked lime
colloidal. Conversely, the lime consumption was
significantly increased at a pH greater than 10.5,
due to possibly to the loss of solubility of calcium

3.4 Supernatant recirculation

The lime consumption was reduced by decreasing

from 0.51 to 0.28 g lime/g solids, representing Figure 7. Phase equilibria for ferrous species at an infinite
a decrease of 45% compared to the test without dilution (in absence of complex agents). Taken from Morgan
recirculation. The total solids removal was from & Lahav (2007)
63% up to 84%. In addition, reductions of 88%
TOC, 76% of color (Pt/Co scale) and 54% of
COD were achieved. Finally, it was established
that the total iron content in the supernatant was
28 ppm, meaning that about 98% of the iron was
precipitated in the sludge.

4. Conclusions
By coupling iron electrodissolution and chemical
flocculation processes, a reduction of 84% of
total solids content, 54% of chemical oxygen
demand, 88% of dissolved carbon content and
76% of color were achieved in raw vinasse with
low power consumption (0.25 kWh/m3). The Figure 8. Micrograph of sludge obtained (SEM)

Ingeniería y Competitividad, Volumen 15, No. 2, p. 191 - 200 (2013)

best results were achieved when the process of distillery using inorganic coagulants. Colloids
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the working range found by linear polarization
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