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Estructura Del Examen B1

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Estructura del examen

Part 1 (Huequitos)

La clave, es jugar con sentidos opuestos (tarde/temprano,

caliente/fro, etc) o parafraseando una misma idea con otras
palabras (Madrid es ms X/Valencia no es tan X como Madrid),
expresar el mismo significado de dos maneras distintas.
Estructuras ms frecuentes:
Too/enough: Siempre cae una pregunta que pone a prueba
esta estructura. Un ejemplo sera esta frase:
This coffee is too cold (este caf est demasiado fro)
Y la respuesta correcta sera:
This coffee is not hot enough (no est lo suficientemente
caliente, que viene a ser lo mismo)
Aprovecho para recordarte que too va delante del adverbio o
adjetivo, mientras que enough se coloca detrs.
To take X time to / To spend X time doing: dos maneras de
expresar el tiempo empleado o que nos lleva hacer algo. Un
It took Leonardo 5 years to paint the Mona Lisa (Leonardo
tard/a Leonardo le llev cinco aos pintar la mona lisa)
Y su respuesta correcta:
Leonardo spent 5 years painting the Mona Lisa (Leonardo
emple cinco aos en pintar la Mona Lisa).
En este caso se pone a prueba la estructura to spend time doing
something (emplear tiempo en hacer algo, siempre con el verbo
en gerundio) frente a la estructura it takes me X time to (me
lleva X tiempo hacer esto o tardo X tiempo en): it took you two
years to finish your degree, it will take me 1 hour to arrive, etc
Whose car is it / whose is this car: las dos maneras de decir
de quin en ingls.

Whose is this bag? (De quin es esta mochila?) frente a la

segunda forma posible de whose, que sera Whose bag is this?
(Igual, de quin es esta mochila?).
La primera forma es exactamente igual que en espaol mientras
que la segunda es ms extraa, y suele confundir a muchos
alumnos. Whose pencil is this? Whose van was that? Whose ball
is it?
You should / If I were you: dos formas distintas de expresar
consejo o dar recomendaciones en ingls.
I think you should go to the doctor (creo que deberas ir al
medico) frente al Segundo condicional (el que usamos para
situaciones imaginarias): If I were you, I would go to the doctor (si
yo fuera t, ira al medico).
En la primera parte del condicional usamos pasado simple (se
dice were para la primera persona en esta estructura), y en la
segunda would, el ira de condicional.
Voz pasiva / Voz activa (o viceversa): bsicamente, pasar una
oracin en voz activa a pasiva o hacer lo contrario. Este es un
punto gramatical obligatorio en este nivel B1, ten por seguro que
aparecer una frase.
We were given a lot of homework by the teacher (el profesor nos
di/mand muchos deberes) frente a The teacher gave us a lot
of homework (mismo significado, pero el profesor pasa a ser el
sujeto en la segunda)
Unless/ if not (primer condicional): aqu se pone a prueba que
conoces el primer condicional, y en concreto la expresin unless
(a menos que), que puede ser traducida como si no, if + el
If it doesnt rain, we will play football (si no llueve, jugaremos al
Unless it rains, we will play football (a menos que llueva,
jugaremos al ftbol)

as + adjetivo + as (tan + adjetivo + como): siempre (o casi

siempre) cae una de estas. Para ver si controlas la comparacin
con adjetivos, y en concreto la estructura as + adjetivo + as, pues
confunde a muchos alumnos (decir que algo es mejor o que la
segunda opcin es no tan buena como la primera).
Madrid is more interesting than Valencia
Valencia is not as interesting as Madrid
Past Perfect + never / Present Perfect: puedes hablar de tus
experiencias pasadas con ambos tiempos verbales.
This is the first time I have been in Asturias (esta es la primera vez
que estoy en Asturias)
I had never been in Asturias before (nunca antes haba estado
en Asturias)
Estilo indirecto / Estilo directo: aqu se pone a prueba que
sabes pasar de un estilo a otro, el famoso Reported Speech.
Marta said that she wanted to go to Italy (Marta dijo que quera ir
a Italia. Estilo indirecto, en pasado)
Marta said: I want to go to Italy (Marta dijo: quiero ir a Italia.
Estilo directo, en presente)
- Maria y yo yo tambin (so do I)

Part 2
Part 3 (carta o history: elegir CARTA SIEMPRE) muletillas >
- En la carta formal no se usan contracciones isnt
- Partes:
1. INTRO: (usas presente continuo para comenzar)
Dear Sir o Madam.
My name is
SI ES UNA QUEJA -> I am writing to complain about (+
I am writing with repard to (le escribo con respecto a )
I am contacting you to (Me pongo en contacto con usted
I am repling to your email, I (En respuesta a su email, yo
SI ES UNA QUEJA -> I belive that
We are able to confirm that le podemos confirmar que
We regret to infome you that sentimos informarle que
Please, could you ? (por favor, podra usted?)
This a un urgent theme (Es un tema urgente)
I would really appreciate if you could (le estara muy
agradecido si)

SI ES UNA QUEJA -> I would be very interested in knowing commets about

my complain
Thanks for your help
Thanks in advance (gracias por adelantado)
I look forward to hearing from you (Espero escuchar de usted)

If you have many questions, do not hesisate to contact to

me (si tienes ms cuestiones, no dudes en ponerse en
contacto conmigo)
Faithfully (fielmente)
Sincerely (atentamente) , Genoveva

1. Intro:
Dear, (nombre)
Im glad to hear from you (me alegra saber de ti)
Its great to hear from you! (es bueno saber de ti)
I was great to read your letter (me ha alegrado leer tu casa)
How things? (Que tal va todo?)
Thans for writing (gracias por escribirme)
I hadnt hear from you for ages (llevaba siglos sin saber de ti)
Sorry for not writing earlier (perdn por no escribirte antes)

2. Contestar preguntas.
3. Conclusin:
Thats all for new (eso es todo por ahora)
Dont forget to write soon (no olvides contestar pronto)
Im looking foward to reading your answer (espero con ganas

tu respuesta)
Take care (cudate)
Say hello to your family for me (saluda a tu familia de mi parte)
I hope everythings song well (espero que todo vaya bien)
I hope to see soon (espero verte pronto)
Best wiches, Genoveva.


Part 1
Phase 1
(possible examiner questions)
Good morning/ afternoon/ evening. Im.

Whats your name?

/G/ yi /E/ iii /N/ enn /O/ ou
/V/ bzi /E/ iii: /V/
bzi /A/ eiii
Whats your surname?
/I/ ai
/N/en /F/eff /A/aii
/T/tii /E/iii:
How do you spelt it? (DELETREALO)
Where do you live?
Do you study english at school? Do you like it?
To be honest, I dont really like English. For me it is one of the worst
subjects at university. I think it is boring, especially the grammar,
because I always have a hard time trying to understand it. For
example, last week we did a written exam in class and it was quite
difficult. Sometimes it is a bit frustrating. However, I think English is
very useful and necessary nowadays, so I have to study it.
What do you do? Are you a student or do you work?
What subjects do you study?
What do you like to do in your free time?
Do you enjoy studying English?
Do you think English will be useful in the future?
Tell me what you did yesterday night.
What would you like to do in the future?

Phase 2
How did you travel to school today?
What are you going to do this weekend?
Tell us about the foof you enjoy eating?
Justifica tu respuesta, pon ejemplos, di como te sientes, por qu te
gusta, detalles. Consejos:
Preprate para escuchar las preguntas formuladas de manera
distinta. No siempre usarn la misma pregunta: What did you do last
night? / Tell me what you did yesterday evening.
Cuando hables de tus preferencias (like, hate, dislike, love)
recuerda que solo hay dos opciones gramaticales: I like to play

tennis / I like playing tennis. Pero nunca I like play.

Un error muy comn, cuando un alumno describe dnde vive, es
usar el adjetivo near con to: I live in Murcia, which is near to Alicante.
Ten cuidado. Near ya significa cerca de, as que: near Alicante.
Mucha gente usa would like sin la preposicin to, ten cuidado y no
la olvides en la pregunta sobre qu te gustara hacer en el futuro: I
would like to study French.
Para la pregunta donde te preguntan qu hiciste ayer o el fin de
semana pasado, es importantsimo que sepas pronunciar la ed.

Part 2 (situation)
Shall I star? (Empiezo yo?)
Well Pues
Saying what you think (diciendo lo que pensamos)
I think we should / he should + infinitive Creo que el/ella
deberan + infinitivo
In my opinion, we should + infinitive En mi opinin, deberamos
+ infinitivo
It would be a good idea to + infinitive because. Sera una buena
idea + infinitivo + porque
I think it would be better to + infinitive than to + infinitive Creo que
sera mejor TO infinitivo + THAT TO infinitivo
I think hed / shed like . Creo que a el/ella le gustara
Making suggestions (haciendo sugerencias)
Why dont we ? + infinitive Por qu no + infinitivo?
We could / she could + infinitive Podramos/podra + infinitivo
How about? + - ing form Qu tal si ellos + ing?
What about the. ? + object. What do you think about that? Qu
pasa con la.? Qu piensas sobre eso?
Lets + infinitive Vamos a + infinitivo
Id like to + infinitive. What about you? Me gustara + TO infinitivo
. would be useful. Do you agree? Sera til. Ests de acuerdo?
Asking what your partner thinks (preguntar lo que piensa tu
Do you agree? Estas de acuerdo?
How about you? Do you agree? Qu hay de ti? Ests de
What do you think? Qu piensas?
Yes, I agree. Estoy de acuerdo
Yes, thats a good / great idea. S, eso es una buena idea

That sounds good. Eso suena bien

I like your idea, but I would also like.... Me gusta tu idea, pero
tambin me gustara..
Yes, I agree with you. Another thing we could do is..... S, estoy de
acuerdo con usted. Otra cosa que podramos hacer es..
Yes, that's very true, but in my opinion is better that we...S, eso es
muy cierto, pero en mi opinin es mejor que
Well, I have a different opinion about that, but I understand what you
mean. Bueno, tengo una opinin diferente sobre eso, pero
entiendo lo que quieres decir
What you say is an advantange. Another advantage will be.... Lo que
usted dice es una ventaja. Otra ventaja ser
No, I dont think so because. No, no lo creo porque
I dont think thats a very good idea because No creo que sea una
buena idea porque
Thats not a bad idea but. Eso no es una mala idea, pero..
Thats true but. Eso es cierto pero
Im sorry, I dont agree. Perdon, no estoy de acuerdi
Im not sure about that. What about.? + object / + - ing form No
estoy seguro de eso. Qu pasa? + objeto + -ing
Preferences (yo prefiero)
[Specific occasion] Id rather + infinitive + than + infinitive Prefiero
+ infinitivo + TO + infinitivo
[Specific occasion] Id prefer to + infinitive Yo prefiero + TO +
[In general] I prefer + noun + noun Yo prefiero + sustantivo +
[In general] I prefer + - ing form + to + - ing form Yo prefiero + TO
+ ing + TO + ing
Concluding (concluyendo)
So, we think . and are the most important things. Is that right?
Por lo tanto, pensamos.. y son las cosas ms importantes
Est bien?
So, were going to take [objects on a journey] / get / buy / go to .
and . . Is that right? Por lo tanto, vamos a tener (objetos de un
viaje x ej.)
Yes, lets take / get / buy/ go to.. Si, vamos a coger/
obtener/comprar/ ir a
So we think he should + infinitive Asi que pensamos que
debera + objeto + TO + infinitivo
So we think hed like + object / + to + infinitive As que pensamos
que le gustara + objeto + TO INFINITIVO
Yes, I think hed really like that. S, yo creo que le gusta mucho
Yes, I think that would be best. S, creo que sera lo mejor

Yes, that would be really good. S, eso sera muy bueno

I think they should/ he should + infinitive Yo pienso que ellos/l

Part 3 (photo) 3 minutes

1. General description
In the picture I can see
Theres a There are
It looks like + nomnbre
It looks quite + adjetivo

3. Person/pleople

4. Speculating

He looks + adjetivo
The girl looks a bit (se ve un
poco) + adjetivo
They seem (ellos parecen)

It might be.. Puede ser

It could be.. Podra ser..
It may be Puede ser
He is possibly.. l es
The man appears to be
(parece ser)
Seems to be (parece ser)

The girl look much older tha the
The mother isnt as pretty as the
The boys plate is the biggest

2. Situation

CUIDADO: Hablar en
present continuous!!

5. Opinion

In the foreground en el
primer plano ...
In the background en el
On the left a la izquierda
On the right a la
At the bottom en el
In this corneren esta
In the middle en el

He/she is wearing
They are
(eating/whatching TV/
playing football)

I think its
I dont think
I reckon that (ms
seguro que think)

Part 4 (conversacin sobre un tema)

Posibles temas que han salido frecuentemente:
Tiempo libre: what do you usually do in your spare time? What are
your hobbies? Do you prefer to be indoors or outdoors?
Deporte: do you do sport? What sports do you practise? Are you an
active person or do you prefer to do other kinds of things?
Relax: how do you relax when you are stressed? Where do you go or
what activities do you usually do?
Vacaciones: Where do you like to go when youre on holidays?

Whats your ideal destination for a holiday? Who would you go with?
Manualidades: what things do you make? Why do you make them,
or what do you like about making them? What is the process?
Idiomas: Do you think learning languages is important nowadays?
What other languages do you study, apart from English? Would you
like to study a new language?
Trabajo: What would be your ideal job? Do you think its important to
like your job? What kind of jobs would you prefer?
Msica: What music genres do you like? Do you listen to music very
often? Have you ever been to concerts?
Amistades: What do you usually do when you are with your friends?
What are they like? Do you get along well with them?
Familia: Do you get on well with your family? Do you spend a lot of
time with your family or do you prefer to be alone? What kind of
activities do you do together?
El tiempo: What kind of weather do you prefer? Whats your
favourite season? What do you normally do in each part of the year?
Fotografa: do you like taking photos? What do you usually take
photos of? Do you take photos with your mobile or do you use a

Para empezar
Would you like to speak first?
Shall I start?
Do you prefer to start?
Answers (con fundamento)
Reasons (justifica por qu o por qu no piensas algo)
Examples (da ejemplos reales, de tu vida, pasados, etc)
Feelings (cmo te hace sentir el tema? tanto si es positiva como negativa, puedes hablar de
tus emociones)
Extra info (cualquier informacin, por muy simple que sea, funciona)

And you? (da pie al que el otro hable!!)

Expresiones para responder al otro:
You agree / positive reaction
Yeah, I agree with you (estoy de acuerdo)
Thats true (eso es verdad / cierto)
Youre right (llevas razn)
Youve got a point there (ah llevas razn)
Thats cool/great (mola)

You disagree / negative

Im not sure about that (no estoy seguro/a)
You might be right, but (quiz sea cierto, pero)
I disagree, because (no estoy de acuerdo porque)
I see your point, but (entiendo lo que quieres decir, pero)
Poor you! (pobrecillo/a)
Oh dear (vaya)
Por si te quedas en blanco!
Let me think (djame pensar)
Let me see (vamos a ver, djame ver)
Well, (bueno, a ver)
Where was I? (por dnde iba?)
What I mean is (lo que quiero decir es)
So (entonces)

También podría gustarte