
Staff at Embry-Riddle Central & South America are available to assist current and prospective students with admissions questions, study abroad and internship opportunities and English immersion experiences.

Admission to Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Questions related to enrollment at any of Embry-Riddle’s campuses can be answered by a local, Brazil-based counselor, Marília Melhado Bonfigli. The university has several learning options in the United States, worldwide and online. Stop by our Sao Paulo office or request a visit from our counselor.

Study Aboard, Internships and Co-Ops, Jobs & Group Travel

Embry-Riddle Central & South America welcomes current Embry-Riddle students to Brazil. Our staff is available to assist with local internships, co-ops, jobs and travel opportunities. We assist our students with the entire process, from securing an opportunity to accommodations. We also facilitate visits from Embry-Riddle student/academic groups.

Marília Melhado Bonfigli
Associate Director of Operations for Central and South America

"The Aviation Management Program is an excellent opportunity to develop new skills, for networking, and to share experiences with other airline industry professionals. The faculty's excellent academic background, combined with their extensive professional experience, enables students to develop a solid theoretical base and be able to put into practice this new knowledge. It is certainly an excellent program, and it has significantly contributed to my professional development.”

- Marcelo Marcusso, '21

LATAM Airlines Senior Flight Safety Coordinator