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El objetivo de este trabajo es el de realizar una propuesta de análisis social de la arquitectura monumental altomedieval asturiana articulada en torno a tres ejes temáticos principales: el estudio de los promotores de las construcciones;... more
"Este libro se edita por parte del Grupo de Investigación en Patrimonio y Paisajes Culturales de la Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea financiado por el Gobierno Vasco en el marco del proyecto de investigación “La... more
Nella presente comunicazione si intende presentare e discutere i criteri d’analisi stratigrafica ed archeologica di un monumento di grande rilevanza per la città di Pisa, come è il caso dell’Arsenale Repubblicano. L’intervento è stato... more
The aim of the current paper is to draw a general picture of the construction and inhabitation forms in the Northwest quadrant of the Iberian Peninsula around the 711 in rural context. This is a subject developed during the last years as... more
This issue of ‘Arqueología y Territorio Medieval’ includes a compilation of some articles whose intention is to stimulate the debate which, subtly and informally, has been going on during the recent years regarding the ethnic reading of... more
n the last years, there have been excavated in several areas of the north of the Peninsula a series of early medieval villages and farms that do not fit easily in the dominant historiographic paradigms. On the other hand, in the same... more
Lo scavo della chiesa di San Lorenzo a Cerreto (Pescia, Pistoia) è stato realizzato nell’anno 1992 come intervento preventivo in occasione del restauro della pavimentazione dell’edificio. In tale occasione si è provveduto ad uno studio... more
One of the major issues in building archaeology is finding the age of elements and structures discovered. Mortars represent a class of material basically constituted by a mixture of different phases (i.e. binder, aggregates, water) and... more