Toward a progress indicator for program compilation
For user-friendliness purposes, many modern software systems provide progress indicators for long-running tasks. These progress indicators continuously estimate the percentage of the task that has been completed and when the task will finish. However, ...
Locating faulty code by multiple points slicing
Dynamic slicing has long been considered as a useful tool for debugging programs as it effectively identifies a reduced fault candidate set which captures the faulty code in the program. Traditionally, a backward dynamic slice is computed starting from ...
Hybrid image-based collision detection in Java 3D
Collision detection is highly important in computer graphics and virtual reality. Most collision detection methods are object-based, relying on testing the geometrical interference of objects, and their performance therefore depends on the geometrical ...
Systematic pattern selection using pattern language grammars and design space analysis
Software patterns provide reusable solutions to recurring design problems in a particular context. The software architect or designer must find the relevant patterns and pattern languages that need to be considered, and select the appropriate patterns, ...