Doing Business with Theory: Communities of Practice in Knowledge Management
We explore how the notion of communities of practice (CoPs) was translated and popularized from its original inception by Lave and Wenger in 1991. We argue that the Institute for Research on Learning (IRL), a spin-off of Xerox PARC, proved instrumental ...
The Trouble with `Tacit Knowledge'
The development and maintenance of organized cooperative work practices require, as an integral feature, what can loosely be termed `didactic practices' or `mutual learning' (giving and receiving instruction, advice, direction, guidance, recommendation, ...
Affording Mechanisms: An Integrated View of Coordination and Knowledge Management
In this paper we question the separation between technologies that support information and handle the ordered flow of work and technologies that support knowledge management. On the basis of observational studies and initiatives of participatory ...
Bridging Artifacts and Actors: Expertise Sharing in Organizational Ecosystems
We synthesize findings from longitudinal case studies examining work practices in three different organizations and propose analytical and methodological frameworks to guide the design and implementation of technologies for expertise and knowledge ...
Beyond Expertise Seeking: A Field Study of the Informal Knowledge Practices of Healthcare IT Teams
CSCW has long been concerned with formal and informal knowledge practices in organizations, examining both the social and technical aspects of how knowledge is sought, shared, and used. In this study, we are interested in examining the set of activities ...
Exploring Appropriation of Enterprise Wikis
The purpose of this paper is to provide both application-oriented researchers and practitioners with detailed insights into conception, implementation, and utilization of intra-organizational wikis to support knowledge management and group work. Firstly,...