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Symbolic mathematical computation—introduction and overview
A specific model depicting the nature of research and development work in symbolic mathematical computation is presented. The model provides the organization for this introduction and overview. Basic concepts and issues are adumbrated from the user's ...
Applications of symbol manipulation in theoretical physics
This paper surveys the applications of symbolic computation techniques to problems in theoretical physics. Particular emphasis is placed on applications in quantum electrodynamics where the most activity has occurred.
On the construction of general purpose programs for studying finite groups
During the past decade efficient algorithms for many basic group theoretic constructions have been developed. These include centralizers, normalizers, conjugacy classes, subgroup lattices and character tables. In order to effectively utilize such ...
Computation with permutation groups
The purpose of this paper is to provide an introduction to some computational techniques which have proved useful in the study of large permutation groups. In particular they have been used to study the Suzuki simple group of degree 1782 and order 448,...
The legacy of MATHLAB 68
MATHLAB 68 is an on-line system providing machine aid for the mechanical symbolic processes encountered in analysis. It is capable of performing, automatically and symbolically, such common procedures as differentiation, polynomial factorization, ...
SCRATCHPAD/1: An interactive facility for symbolic mathematics
The SCRATCHPAD/1 system is designed to provide an interactive symbolic computational facility for the mathematician user. The system features a user language designed to capture the style and succinctness of mathematical notation, together with a ...
The MACSYMA system
MACSYMA is a system for symbolic manipulation of algebraic expressions which is being developed at Project MAC, M.I.T. This paper discusses its philosophy, goals, and current achievements.
MACSYMA makes extensive use of the power of its rational ...
A graphical approach to coset enumeration
In 1936, J.A. Todd and H.S.M. Coxeter published a paper in which they described a technique for enumerating the cosets of a finite group given only the defining relations for the group and the generators of the subgroup written in terms of the ...
Some applications of group theoretical programs
Both special purpose programs and more general systems have been implemented for the study of groups. The special programs were in most cases designed for calculations occurring in the investigation of very big finite groups, such as some of the newly ...
Computer input/output of mathematical expressions
Studying mathematics is, in part, a language problem. Naturally, mathematicians are more likely to resist using a computer as a tool in their work if the tedious task of learning a new language for mathematics is part of the bargain. Furthermore, until ...
A conversational system for engineering assistance: Aladin
This paper is devoted to the display system of a system named Aladin which is very similar to Martin's Symbolic Mathematical Laboratory. Therefore, it is not something basically new; nevertheless, we want to show the way we have followed to implement a ...
A comment on the recognition of hand-printed two-dimensional mathematical expressions
The conference paper “Computer Input/Output of Mathematical Expressions” by Professor Martin is an excellent summary of the characteristics of 2D math expressions and of algorithms for their recognition and display. Professor Martin argues that for ...
Computer input/output of two-dimensional notations
Notational devices are invented to aid the visualization and mental manipulation of abstract representations or models of real or imagined problems. The notations of mathematics are a prime example, but we must not forget those of logic, chemistry, or ...
Groups and subgroups, presentations and representations
A survey of some computational techniques available to the finite group theorist and a description of several outstanding problems in which the computer may prove helpful.
The PL/I-FORMAC Interpreter
The PL/I-FORMAC Interpreter is a Type III IBM Programming System designed to add the capabilities of a formula manipulation language to the capabilities of PL/I. The program and/or documentation may be obtained by ordering program number 360D-03.3.004 ...
IAM, a system for interactive algebraic manipulation
The principal features of IAM, a system for interactive algebraic manipulation, are described. The primary goal of IAM is to make algebraic manipulation by computer available to a non-programming person. IAM has a JOSS-like command language, emphasizing ...
REDUCE 2: A system and language for algebraic manipulation
A description of a new version of the algebraic manipulation system REDUCE is presented. In its latest form, REDUCE provides a complete language for interactive symbol manipulation by computer in addition to increased facilities for the simplification ...
The design of the Cambridge algebra system
This paper discusses the design of the CAMbridge ALgebra system and describes some of the techniques that are used in its implementation. These techniques enable that system to provide reasonably general algebraic manipulation in an efficient way. The ...
The SAC-1 system: An introduction and survey
SAC-1 is a program system for performing operations on multivariate polynomials and rational functions with infinite-precision coefficients. It is programmed, with the exception of a few simple primitives, in ASA Fortran. As a result the system is ...
The ALTRAN system for rational function manipulation - a survey
ALTRAN is a complete system for writing programs for the formal manipulation of rational functions in several variables with integer coefficients. This paper gives a brief description of the language, run-time data structures, and implementation.
The design of a language for the development of group theoretic programs
In programming a software package for group theoretic calculations one is faced with a number of problems including:
1 the size of the package,
2 the size of the problems to be run in terms of execution time and storage requirements,
3 the need for ...
Permutation representations and the subgroup lattice
There is a close correspondence between the set of subgroups of a finite group G and the set of inequivalent transitive permutation representations of G. For many purposes the latter is as useful as the former and more easily calculated. The present ...
Some computations involving simple Lie algebras
This article is a report of some computations that were done recently with the hope of understanding an apparently simple, though as yet unanswered, question in linear algebra.
Computers and computations in algebraic number theory
In the present survey an outline is given of certain recent as well as earlier developments in the use of electronic high-speed computers in algebraic number theory.
Numerical methods for reduction of group representations
A method is given for reduction of representations by finite matrices of finite and infinite groups, using the matrices of the generators for the representations provided these are finite in number. It does not necessitate construction of every element ...
Applications of coset enumeration
We describe here two applications of the Coxeter-Todd coset enumeration algorithm. One is the computation of part of the Schur multiplier of a small finite Lie group, in this case PSU(3, 4), directly from the presentation used to define the Steinbrg ...
Modular arithmetic and finite field theory: A tutorial
The paradigm of algorithm analysis has achieved major pre-eminence in the field of symbolic and algebraic manipulation in the last few years. A major factor in its success has been the use of modular arithmetic. Application of this technique has proved ...
On Euclid's algorithm and the computation of polynomial greatest common divisors
This paper examines the computation of polynomial greatest common divisors by various generalizations of Euclid's algorithm. The phenomenon of coefficient growth is described, and the history of successful efforts first to control it and then to ...
The calculation of multivariate polynomial resultants
An efficient algorithm is presented for the exact calculation of resultants of multivariate polynomials with integer coefficients. The algorithm applies modular homomorphisms and the Chinese remainder theorem, evaluation homomorphisms and interpolation, ...
Factoring polynomials over large finite fields*
This paper reviews some of the known algorithms for factoring polynomials over finite fields and presents a new deterministic procedure for reducing the problem of factoring an arbitrary polynomial over the Galois field GF(p m) to the problem of finding ...
Cited By
Faugére J (1999). A new efficient algorithm for computing Gröbner bases (F4), Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 10.1016/S0022-4049(99)00005-5, 139:1-3, (61-88), Online publication date: 1-Jun-1999.
- Sammet J The beginning and development of FORMAC History of programming languages---II, (429-469)
Akritas A and King H (1983). Exact algorithms for polynomial real root approximation using continued fractionsAlgorithmen zur Approximation reeller Wurzeln von Polynomen mit Hilfe von Kettenbrüchen, Computing, 10.1007/BF02253296, 30:1, (63-76), Online publication date: 1-Mar-1983.
Akritas A (2018). Reflections on a Pair of Theorems by Budan and Fourier, Mathematics Magazine, 10.1080/0025570X.1982.11977000, 55:5, (292-298), Online publication date: 1-Nov-1982.
- Akritas A (1980). An implementation of Vincent's theorem, Numerische Mathematik, 36:1, (53-62), Online publication date: 1-Mar-1980.
- Griesmer J and Jenks R The SCRATCHPAD system Proceedings of the 1975 annual conference, (266-267)
- Horowitz E On the substitution of polynomial forms Proceedings of the ACM annual conference, (153-158)
Index Terms
- Proceedings of the second ACM symposium on Symbolic and algebraic manipulation