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TechMindSociety '18: Proceedings of the Technology, Mind, and Society
ACM2018 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
  • NY
  • United States
TechMindSociety '18: Technology, Mind, and Society Washington DC USA April 5 - 7, 2018
05 April 2018

Reflects downloads up to 19 Feb 2025Bibliometrics
Public Access
Designing Future Disaster Response Team Wearables from a Grounding in Practice
Article No.: 1, Pages 1–6

Wearable computers are poised to impact disaster response, so there is a need to determine the best interfaces to support situation awareness, decision support, and communication. We present a disaster response wearable design created for a mixed ...

Racial Prejudice Affecting Support for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Operations

The interaction between humans, technology, and society is ever-increasing. One particular growing field of technology is unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), with uses ranging from hobbyist to government and military applications. Public support for UAVs, ...

The Effectiveness of Gamification Tools in Enhancing Academic Performance and Motivation of Students in Fully vs. Partially Gamified Grading System of Online Classes

Gamification tools (GTs), added game design elements into non-game context which attracted attention of educators as a potentially useful method to increase engagement, motivation and performance of students. However, the efficacy of these tools has not ...

Assessing Visual Search Performance in Ocular Compared to Cerebral Visual Impairment Using a Virtual Reality Simulation of Human Dynamic Movement
Article No.: 4, Pages 1–6

Virtual reality (VR) can provide robust assessment of cognitive spatial processing skills in individuals with visual impairment. VR combined with objective measures of behavioral performance (i.e., eye tracking) affords a high degree of experimental ...

Hand Movement Enhances 3D Non-symbolic Number Perception

Technologies that allow individuals to interact with virtual objects via body movement afford the opportunity to examine embodied cognition. A component of embodied cognition is that individuals ground mental constructs and operations via their own ...

Modeling Key Differences in Underrepresented Students' Interactions with an Online STEM Course
Article No.: 6, Pages 1–6

Little is known about the ways that underrepresented students in online STEM courses interact and behave differently from their peers, or whether online courses offer learning opportunities that can better suit these under-served populations. The ...

Can robots improve the quality of life in people with dementia?
Article No.: 7, Pages 1–3

Dementia refers to a group of neuro-degenerative disorders that cause significant impairments to quality of life and difficulties performing activities of daily living. This symposium brings together representatives from four independent international ...

Preference for Rhetorical Messages from a Social Robot in Regulatory Situations

Message design logics (MDLs) are working models of communication that lead to different conceptions of how to rationally construct messages, or reason from goals to messages1. The three MDLs are expressive (transmitting thoughts and feelings), ...

Engagement and Design Barriers of mHealth Applications for Older Adults
Article No.: 9, Pages 1–5

With the growth of gerontechnology, there is an increasing awareness of the importance of accessibility and usability in product designs7. Here we consider the degree to which those factors along with patient engagement are currently being provided by ...

Why HCI and Creativity Research Must Collaborate to Develop New Creativity Support Tools
Article No.: 10, Pages 1–6

Digital creativity support tools (CST) are an integrated part of many professions in the creative industries. While CST play a central role in the daily practices of creative professionals, we have limited understanding of how these tools affect the ...

Towards Adaptive Support for Anticipatory Thinking

Adaptive training and support technologies have been used to improve training and performance in a number of domains. However, limited work on adaptive training has examined anticipatory thinking, which is the deliberate, divergent exploration and ...

Investigating Insight Generation and Decision Making with Visualizations in Real and Virtual Environments

Visualizing data has been touted as a method to reduce cognitive workload by externalizing cognitive processes and utilizing the human perceptual system's ability to recognize patterns [1-4]. The current study investigated whether displaying ...

Can Semi-Anthropomorphism Influence Trust and Compliance?: Exploring Image Use in App Interfaces
Article No.: 13, Pages 1–6

Relying on automated suggestions from technology to make decisions has become a part of our everyday life. Most existing research examines trust in automation for high-risk domains as well as vast recommender systems for low-risk consumer use. This ...

Designing Explainability of an Artificial Intelligence System

Explainability and accuracy of the machine learning algorithms usually laid on a trade-off relationship. Several algorithms such as deep-learning artificial neural networks have high accuracy but low explainability. Since there were only limited ways to ...

Effects of Device Features on Misattributions of Knowledge

New digital technologies, such as our smartphones and computers, often serve as extended cognitive systems to construct the full range of our cognitive capabilities. Given that capacity of computing technologies has reached a degree of speed and ...

Understanding the Exodus of Undergraduate Women from Computer Science Majors: A Two-Factor Model of Self-Esteem

Retaining women in computer science is key to maintaining diversity in the field and in subfields such as HCI. There is considerable evidence that women leave STEM majors more frequently than men, leaving behind low numbers of female graduates in ...

Children and Adolescents' Development of Executive Functions in Digital Contexts
Article No.: 17, Pages 1–3

This symposium will focus on developmental aspects of executive functions, and how technology may contribute to the enhancement of these essential cognitive skills over the lifespan. Speakers will address the development of executive functions in ...

Interactive 3D Objects, Projections, and Touchscreens
Article No.: 18, Pages 1–7

It is widely recognized that features of objects in a user interface can impact aspects of user experience, including visual perception and problem solving. The current study looked at two such issues: 3D object projection and interactivity. Both ...

What Do People Attend to When Searching for Information on the Web: An Eye-Tracking Study

The perceived credibility of information plays a major role in information selection and influence (Metzger & Flanagin, 2015). Accordingly, past research has examined people's information selection and their decision outcomes, in both web and social ...

A Tactile Robot for Developmental Disorder Therapy
Article No.: 20, Pages 1–6

Developmental disorders, such as Attention-Deficit-- Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), have clinical symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. These symptoms are often accompanied by tactile and ...

Designs for Visualizing Collective Intelligence in Knowledge Building Communities

Collective intelligence [1, 2] is a key characteristic of innovative groups and organizations that self-organize in online environments to generate and disseminate knowledge for public good. Collaborative Innovation Networks (COINs) [3] and Knowledge ...

Gamification is working, but which one exactly?: Results from an experiment with four game design elements

Gamification aims to increase motivation in non-game contexts by using game design elements. Usually gamification research examines the impact of multiple game design elements, making it almost impossible to find out how and to what extent these ...

How The "Oldest Old" Experience and Adapt to Vision and Hearing Loss Through the Use of Assistive Technologies
Article No.: 23, Pages 1–5

As people live longer than ever before, the chances of experiencing age-related sensory losses in vision and hearing are equally unprecedented. Changes in vision and hearing have demonstrated effects on older adults' physical, cognitive, and ...

Project Career: Technological Accommodations for Postsecondary Students with Traumatic Brain Injury

Project Career, a five-year interdisciplinary demonstration project (2013-2018) funded by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research, provides technological supports, combining Cognitive Support Technology (CST)...

Differences in Working-Memory Capacity Modulate Top-down Control of Social Attention
Article No.: 25, Pages 1–6

Gaze following, or our ability to attend to where others are looking can be top-down controlled by context information about the social relevance of the gaze signal. In particular, it has been shown that gaze signals are followed more strongly when the ...

Understanding Learner Lives Through Digital Footprints

There is an increasing interest in understanding learners through biographical and ethnographic methods in order to gain a more holistic picture of how the various aspects of a learner's context and interactions outside of the formal learning spaces ...

Towards A Framework for Mobile Behavior Change Research
Article No.: 27, Pages 1–6

Behavior change is one of the most important problems faced by people and researchers today. Behavioral researchers have begun adopting smartphones as data-collection tools in psychological and behavioral science because these devices can study people ...

What Intelligent Team Tutoring Systems Can Learn from Human-Agent Teams

Intelligent tutoring systems, having been relatively successful at emulating the results of human tutors for certain learning domains, are now being developed for team tutoring. With the addition of multiple humans in the system, modeling the ...

Public Access
Heuristic Evaluation of Compensations for a Wheelchair Mounted Robotic Arm

For individuals who rely on assistive mobility technology (e.g. wheelchairs), functional dependence can often be augmented through supplementary technologies. One such technology is a wheelchair mounted robotic arm (WMRA), consisting of an "arm" portion ...

A Pilot Intervention to Encourage HIV Testing and Counseling Among Minority Adolescents

Despite adolescents accounting for 20% of new HIV cases, they are less likely than adults to undergo HIV testing and counseling (HTC). Videogame interventions are emerging as an effective way to teach adolescents skill building and knowledge, with ...

Index Terms

  1. Proceedings of the Technology, Mind, and Society
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      Acceptance Rates

      TechMindSociety '18 Paper Acceptance Rate 17 of 63 submissions, 27%;
      Overall Acceptance Rate 17 of 63 submissions, 27%
      TechMindSociety '18631727%