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Recommender systems effect on the evolution of users’ choices distribution

Published: 01 January 2022 Publication History


Recommender systems’ (RSs) research has mostly focused on algorithms aimed at improving platform owners’ revenues and user’s satisfaction. However, RSs have additional effects, which are related to their impact on users’ choices. In order to avoid an undesired system behaviour and anticipate the effects of an RS, the literature suggests employing simulations.
In this article we present a novel, well grounded and flexible simulation framework. We adopt a stochastic user’s choice model and simulate users’ repeated choices for items in the presence of alternative RSs. Properties of the simulated choices, such as their diversity and their quality, are analysed. We state four research questions, also motivated by identified research gaps, which are addressed by conducting an experimental study where three different data sets and five alternative RSs are used. We identify some important effects of RSs. We find that non-personalised RSs result in choices for items that have a larger predicted rating compared to personalised RSs. Moreover, when a user’s awareness set, which is the set containing the items that she can choose from, increases, then choices are more diverse, but the average quality (rating) of the choices decreases. Additionally, in order to achieve a higher choice diversity, increasing the awareness of the users is shown to be a more effective remedy than increasing the number of recommendations offered to the users.


Simulating users’ choices under the influence of recommender systems.
Modelling the effect of recommender systems on users’ choice behaviour.
Simulating five alternative recommender systems.
Modelling users’ awareness about the catalogue of items.
Estimating the utility for the choice model with an unbiased rating prediction model.


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      Published In

      cover image Information Processing and Management: an International Journal
      Information Processing and Management: an International Journal  Volume 59, Issue 1
      Jan 2022
      821 pages


      Pergamon Press, Inc.

      United States

      Publication History

      Published: 01 January 2022

      Author Tags

      1. Recommender systems
      2. Simulation
      3. Decision making
      4. Choice models


      • Research-article


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