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10.5555/3463952.3464247acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesaamasConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Impact of Recommender Systems on the Dynamics of Users' Choices

Published: 03 May 2021 Publication History


The major focus of recommender systems (RSs) research has so far been on improving the precision and quality of the recommendations. However, it is also important to understand whether the recommended items are actually chosen and how they influence users' choice making. Few studies have attempted to analyse the impact of RSs on users' choice making. In this PhD research, we aim at better understanding the impact of RSs on the evolution of the choices made by a collection of users. We propose simulation procedures where users are simulated to make choices over a period of time when they are exposed to alternative RSs. We measure several properties of the users' choices distribution, which capture the RS effect. Our goal is to understand the evolution of the choices of a collection of users as time goes; next choices are influenced by previous choices used by the RS to generate recommendations. Additionally, we propose online experiments to study the effect of RSs on real users' choices. We propose to design web-based platforms where alternative RSs recommend items to the users and study RSs impact by analysing the evolution of the choices.


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Daniel Fleder and Kartik Hosanagar. 2009. Blockbuster culture's next rise or fall: The impact of recommender systems on sales diversity. Management science, Vol. 55, 5 (2009), 697--712.
Naieme Hazrati, Mehdi Elahi, and Francesco Ricci. 2020. Simulating the Impact of Recommender Systems on the Evolution of Collective Users' Choices. In Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media. 207--212.
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Francesco Ricci, Lior Rokach, and Bracha Shapira. 2015. Recommender systems: introduction and challenges. In Recommender systems handbook. Springer, 1--34.
Zoltán Szlávik, Wojtek Kowalczyk, and Martijn Schut. 2011. Diversity measurement of recommender systems under different user choice models. In Fifth International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media.

Index Terms

  1. Impact of Recommender Systems on the Dynamics of Users' Choices



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    Information & Contributors


    Published In

    cover image ACM Conferences
    AAMAS '21: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems
    May 2021
    1899 pages



    International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems

    Richland, SC

    Publication History

    Published: 03 May 2021

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    Author Tags

    1. decision making
    2. recommender systems
    3. simulation


    • Abstract


    AAMAS '21

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