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Persuasion in Recommender Systems

Published: 01 December 2006 Publication History


Recommender systems persuade as well as recommend. This study investigated some factors that influence the perceived fit of the recommendations a system provides and user perceptions of the preference-elicitation process. The findings indicate that the relevance, transparency, duration, and required effort of the elicitation process are important cues for value, which in turn influences the user's enjoyment of the process and the perceived fit of the recommendation with the user's preferences.


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    Information & Contributors


    Published In

    cover image International Journal of Electronic Commerce
    International Journal of Electronic Commerce  Volume 11, Issue 2
    Number 2 / Winter 2006-7
    151 pages


    M. E. Sharpe, Inc.

    United States

    Publication History

    Published: 01 December 2006

    Author Tags

    1. Effort
    2. Persuasion
    3. Preference Elicitation
    4. Recommender Systems
    5. Transparency


    • Article


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