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IJAA: : Past, Present, and Future

Published: 01 November 2020 Publication History


We review 50 years of research published in INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics (IJAA), formerly named Interfaces. This historical review considers more than 3,000 publications and details the journal’s coverage evolution over five decades. We identify topics, industries, companies, and organizations that have played a significant role in positioning the journal as INFORMS’ premier outlet regarding the applications of operations research (OR) in practice. Our goal is to use historical observations to discuss the current state of the journal and reflect on the future, especially related to the increasingly popular area of analytics. We provide perspectives regarding how the fields of OR and analytics may continue to evolve as well as how researchers, practitioners, and IJAA can contribute to the continuing evolution of these two fields.


Abara J (1989) Applying integer linear programming to the fleet assignment problem. Interfaces 19(4):20–28.
Ackoff RL (1981) The art and science of mess management. Interfaces 11(1):20–26.
An B, Ordóñez F, Tambe M, Shieh E, Yang R, Baldwin C, DiRenzo J III, Moretti K, Maule B, Meyer G (2013) A deployed quantal response-based patrol planning system for the US Coast Guard. Interfaces 43(5):400–420.
Arntzen BC, Brown GG, Harrison TP, Trafton LL (1995) Global supply chain management at digital equipment corporation. Interfaces 25(1):69–93.
Batistič S, van der Laken P (2019) History, evolution and future of big data and analytics: A bibliometric analysis of its relationship to performance in organizations. British J. Management 30(2):229–251.
Bell WJ, Dalberto LM, Fisher ML, Greenfield AJ, Jaikumar R, Kedia P, Mack RG, Prutzman PJ (1983) Improving the distribution of industrial gases with an on-line computerized routing and scheduling optimizer. Interfaces 13(6):4–23.
Bertsekas DP (1990) The auction algorithm for assignment and other network flow problems: A tutorial. Interfaces 20(4):133–149.
Brown G, Carlyle M, Salmerón J, Wood K (2006) Defending critical infrastructure. Interfaces 36(6):530–544.
Carino DR, Kent T, Myers DH, Stacy C, Sylvanus M, Turner AL, Watanabe K, Ziemba WT (1994) The Russell-Yasuda Kasai model: An asset/liability model for a Japanese insurance company using multistage stochastic programming. Interfaces 24(1):29–49.
Choi TM, Wallace SW, Wang Y (2018) Big data analytics in operations management. Production Oper. Management 27(10):1868–1883.
Chopra S, Lovejoy W, Yano C (2004) Five decades of operations management and the prospects ahead. Management Sci. 50(1):8–14.
Davenport TH, Patil DJ (2012) Data scientist: The sexiest job of the 21st century. Harvard Bus. Rev. (October),
Davenport TH, Harris JG, Morison R (2010) Analytics at Work: Smarter Decisions, Better Results (Harvard Business School Press, Boston).
Dowlatshahi S (2000) Developing a theory of reverse logistics. Interfaces 30(3):143–155.
Fisher ML (1985) An applications oriented guide to Lagrangian relaxation. Interfaces 15(2):10–21.
Fisher ML (1997) What is the right supply chain for your product? Harvard Bus. Rev. (March–April),
Flowers AD (1993) The modernization of merit brass. Interfaces 23(1):97–108.
Franks B (2014) The Analytics Revolution: How to Improve Your Business by Making Analytics Operational in the Big Data Era (Wiley, Hoboken, NJ).
Fylstra D, Lasdon L, Watson J, Waren A (1998) Design and use of the Microsoft Excel Solver. Interfaces 28(5):29–55.
Galbraith JR (1974) Organization design: An information processing view. Interfaces 4(3):28–36.
Gilmore D (2020) A decade of supply chain management. Accessed April 19, 2020,
Glover F (1990) Tabu search: A tutorial. Interfaces 20(4):74–94.
Golabi K, Kulkarni RB, Way GB (1982) A statewide pavement management system. Interfaces 12(6):5–21.
Gorman MF, Nittala L, Alden JM (2020) Anatomy of the Edelman: Measuring the world’s best analytics projects. INFORMS J. Appl. Analytics 50(6):373–386.
Green PE, Krieger AM, Wind Y (2001) Thirty years of conjoint analysis: Reflections and prospects. Interfaces 31(3):S56–S73.
Guide VDR Jr, Jayaraman V, Srivastava R, Benton W (2000) Supply chain management for recoverable manufacturing systems. Interfaces 30(3):125–142.
Harrison TP, Lee HL, Neale JJ (2006) The Practice of Supply Chain Management: Where Theory and Application Converge (Springer, New York).
Hazen BT, Skipper JB, Boone CA, Hill RR (2018) Back in business: Operations research in support of big data analytics for operations and supply chain management. Ann. Oper. Res. 270(1–2):201–211.
Jaworski BJ (2011) On managerial relevance. J. Marketing 75(4):211–224.
Kirby MW (2000) Operations research trajectories: The Anglo-American experience from the 1940s to the 1990s. Oper. Res. 48(5):661–670.
Klassen RD (2000) Just-in-time manufacturing and pollution prevention generate mutual benefits in the furniture industry. Interfaces 30(3):95–106.
Lee HL, Billington C (1995) The evolution of supply chain-management models and practice at Hewlett-Packard. Interfaces 25(5):42–63.
Lee HL, Billington C, Carter B (1993) Hewlett-Packard gains control of inventory and service through design for localization. Interfaces 23(4):1–11.
Liebman JC (1976) Some simple-minded observations on the role of optimization in public systems decision-making. Interfaces 6(4):102–108.
Lilien GL, Murphy FH, Harrison TP, Camm JD, Bollapragada S, Gorman MF (2020) Editorial: A retrospective from the editors-in-chief on the history of Interfaces/INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics. INFORMS J. Appl. Analytics 50(6):345–354.
Lustig I, Dietrich B, Johnson C, Dziekan C (2010) The analytics journey. Analytics (November/December),
McKay KN, Safayeni FR, Buzacott JA (1988) Job-shop scheduling theory: What is relevant? Interfaces 18(4):84–90.
Mortenson MJ, Doherty NF, Robinson S (2015) Operational research from Taylorism to terabytes: A research agenda for the analytics age. Eur. J. Oper. Res. 241(3):583–595.
Newman AM, Rubio E, Caro R, Weintraub A, Eurek K (2010) A review of operations research in mine planning. Interfaces 40(3):222–245.
Ramdas K, Spekman RE (2000) Chain or shackles: Understanding what drives supply chain performance. Interfaces 30(4):3–21.
Roethlein CJ, Mangiameli PM (1999) The realities of becoming a long-term supplier to a large TQM customer. Interfaces 29(4):71–81.
Rosenhead J (1996) What’s the problem? An introduction to problem structuring methods. Interfaces 26(6):117–131.
Saaty TL (1977) The Sudan transport study. Interfaces 8(1, part 2):37–57.
Sanders NR, Ganeshan R (2018) Big data in supply chain management. Production Oper. Management 27(10):1745–1748.
Schuster EW, Allen SJ (1998) Raw material management at Welch’s, Inc. Interfaces 28(5):13–24.
Seabold S, Perktold J (2010) Statsmodels: Econometric and statistical modeling with Python. van der Walt S, Millman J, eds. Proc. 9th Python Sci. Conf. (SciPy Conference, Austin, TX), 92–96.
Sherman HD, Ladino G (1995) Managing bank productivity using data envelopment analysis (DEA). Interfaces 25(2):60–73.
Simchi-Levi D, Kaminsky P, Simchi-Levi E (2003) Designing and Managing the Supply Chain: Concepts, Strategies, and Case Studies (McGraw-Hill/Irwin, New York).
Simchi-Levi D, Schmidt W, Wei Y, Zhang PY, Combs K, Ge Y, Gusikhin O, Sanders M, Zhang D (2015) Identifying risks and mitigating disruptions in the automotive supply chain. Interfaces 45(5):375–390.
Smith BC, Leimkuhler JF, Darrow RM (1992) Yield management at American Airlines. Interfaces 22(1):8–31.
Teece DJ (1988) Capturing value from technological innovation: Integration, strategic partnering, and licensing decisions. Interfaces 18(3):46–61.
Thompson RG, Singleton F Jr, Thrall RM, Smith BA (1986) Comparative site evaluations for locating a high-energy physics laboratory in Texas. Interfaces 16(6):35–49.
Ulusoy G, Uzsoy R (1992) Computer-aided process planning and material requirements planning: First steps toward computer-integrated manufacturing. Interfaces 22(2):76–86.
Wikipedia (2020) Standard industrial classification. Accessed March 26, 2020,
Zahedi F (1986) The analytic hierarchy process—A survey of the method and its applications. Interfaces 16(4):96–108.

Index Terms

  1. IJAA: Past, Present, and Future
        Index terms have been assigned to the content through auto-classification.



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        Information & Contributors


        Published In

        cover image Interfaces
        Interfaces  Volume 50, Issue 6
        November-December 2020
        63 pages
        Issue’s Table of Contents



        Linthicum, MD, United States

        Publication History

        Published: 01 November 2020
        Accepted: 31 August 2020
        Received: 21 April 2020

        Author Tags

        1. analytics
        2. operations research
        3. industry analysis
        4. review


        • Research-article


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