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Bullwhip Effect Measurement and Its Implications

Published: 01 July 2012 Publication History


The bullwhip effect, or demand information distortion, has been a subject of both theoretical and empirical studies in the operations management literature. In this paper, we develop a simple set of formulas that describe the traditional bullwhip measure as a combined outcome of several important drivers, such as finite capacity, batch-ordering, and seasonality. Our modeling framework is descriptive in nature as it features certain plausible approximations that are commonly employed in practical inventory systems. The results are nonetheless compelling and can be used to explain various conflicting observations in previous empirical studies. Building on the theoretical framework, we discuss the managerial implications of the bullwhip measurement. We show that the measurement can be completely noninformative about the underlying supply chain cost performance if it is not linked to the operational details (such as decision intervals and leadtimes). Specifically, we show that an aggregated measurement over relatively long time periods can mask the operational-level bullwhip. In addition, we show that masking also exists under product or location aggregation in some illustrative cases.


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    Information & Contributors


    Published In

    cover image Operations Research
    Operations Research  Volume 60, Issue 4
    07-08 2012
    281 pages



    Linthicum, MD, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 01 July 2012
    Accepted: 01 March 2012
    Received: 01 May 2010

    Author Tags

    1. batch-ordering
    2. bullwhip effect
    3. data aggregation
    4. finite capacity
    5. seasonality
    6. supply chain management


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