Object-orientation in Java for scientific programmers
Scientific programmers have traditionally programmed in entirely sequential languages such as Fortran, C or Pascal and it could be argued that object-orientation is not a concept that they would need. Yet computer science departments that give courses to scientists and engineers would like to consider teaching them in Java, rather than in one of the older languages. This paper addresses the dual issues of how Java can best supply everything that the older languages do, and then what it can meaningfully give in added value, especially in the networking and parallel area. Experience with developing solutions in Java to some fifty typical numerical problems has led to a coherent object-oriented approach and a couple of essential support classes for teaching and production work.
Bishop J and Bishop N, Java Gently for Engineers and Scientists, Addison-Wesley, Harlow UK, 2000
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Casanova H, Dongarra J and Doolin D, Java access to numerical libraries, Conc.Prac.Exp. 9 (11) 1279-1291 Nov 1997
Davies R, Java for Scientists and Engineers, Addison- Wesley, Harlow UK, 1999.
Moreira J E, Midkiff S P and Gupta M, A comparison of Java, C/C++, and Fortran for numerical computing, IEEE Antennas and Propagation, 40, (5) 102-105, Oct 1998
Moreira J E, Midkiff S P, Gupta M and Artigas P V, High performance numerical computing in Java, OOPSLA '99 Demonstration, in the OOPSLA Companion p47.
Smith T H, Gower A E and Boning D S, A matrix math library for Java, Conc.Prac.Exp. 9 (11) 1127-1137 Nov 1997
Wolz U and Koffman E, simplelO: A Java package for novice interactive and graphics programming, ITiCSE, Krakow, 1999.
Index Terms
- Object-orientation in Java for scientific programmers
Object-orientation in Java for scientific programmers
Scientific programmers have traditionally programmed in entirely sequential languages such as Fortran, C or Pascal and it could be argued that object-orientation is not a concept that they would need. Yet computer science departments that give courses ...
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May 2000
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