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Java SE8 for ProgrammersApril 2014
  • Prentice Hall Press
  • One Lake Street Upper Saddle River, NJ
  • United States
Published:09 April 2014
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The professional programmers Deitel guide to Java SE 7 and SE 8 (Java 8) development with the powerful Java platform Written for programmers with a background in high-level language programming, this book applies the Deitel signature live-code approach to teaching programming and explores the Java language and Java APIs in depth. The book presents concepts in the context of fully tested programs, complete with syntax shading, code highlighting, line-by-line code walkthroughs and program outputs. The book features hundreds of complete Java programs with thousands of lines of proven Java code, and hundreds of tips that will help you build robust applications. Start with an introduction to Java using an early classes and objects approach, then rapidly move on to more advanced topics, including GUI, graphics, exception handling, lambdas, streams, functional interfaces, object serialization, concurrency, generics, generic collections, JDBC and more. Youll enjoy the Deitels classic treatment of object-oriented programming and the object-oriented design ATM case study, including a complete Java implementation. When youre finished, youll have everything you need to build industrial-strength object-oriented Java SE 7 and SE 8 (Java 8) applications. Practical, Example-Rich Coverage of: Java SE 7 and SE 8 (Java 8) Lambdas, Streams, Functional Interfaces with Default and Static Methods Classes, Objects, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Interfaces Swing and JavaFX GUIs; Graphics Integrated Exception Handling Files, Streams, Object Serialization Multithreading and Concurrency for Optimal Multi-Core Performance Generics and Generic Collections Database (JDBC, SQL and JavaDB) Using the Debugger and the API Docs Industrial-Strength, Object-Oriented Design ATM Case Study and more. Visit Download code examples For information on Deitels Dive Into Series programming training courses delivered at organizations worldwide visit or write to [email protected] Join the Deitel social networking communities on Facebook at, Twitter @deitel, Google+ at, LinkedIn at, YouTube at Subscribe to the Deitel Buzz Online e-mail newsletter at subscribe.html



Michele Mazzucco

Despite its title, most of the book is devoted to general topics, for example, object-oriented programming. Hence, I would consider it an introductory book (or, alternatively, a reference manual to the language) rather than a book about the new features introduced by Java 8. The book is composed of 24 chapters. The introductory part occupies the first three chapters, in which the authors present the typical “Hello World” program; discuss basic topics such as the arithmetic operators; introduce the setter and getter methods, which are typically found in object-oriented languages; and present the differences between primitive and reference types. The book then goes deeper into the language features, for example, by discussing the control structures (if/else, for loop, and so on) and logical operators (chapters 4 and 5), instance and static methods (chapter 6), arrays and collections (chapters 7 and 16), strings manipulation including regular expressions (chapter 14), input/output (I/O) including object serialization (chapter 15), and generics (chapter 18). The next section (chapters 8 to 11) deals with the object-oriented features of the language, such as inheritance, polymorphism, exception handling, object constructors, assertions, and code modularization via packages. The biggest novelty introduced by Java 8, namely the lambda expressions enabling programmers to use a functional programming code style, is presented in chapter 17. Fortunately, several examples are discussed, such as how to perform string manipulation, and how to easily process arrays and collections (for example, how to easily compute the average value of an array without using a for loop). Next, the authors discuss how to best use Java in the context of graphical user interfaces (GUIs), for example, by means of swings (including event handlers) or JavaFX, and how to manipulate fonts and drawing objects (chapters 12, 13, 19, and 22). Chapters 20 and 21 explain how to exploit concurrency and accessing databases by means of the Java database connectivity (JDBC) interface, while the last two chapters discuss the design and implementation of an automated teller machine (ATM) system. Overall, the book is not bad; however, as I said before, it is targeted at people who are new to Java rather than at programmers who want to learn the new features introduced in Java 8. Also, the book spends too much time on easy topics; for example, the four introductory chapters are too much. The authors should have spent more time dealing with the lambda expressions. On the other hand, every chapter is full of code snippets and simple applications, making the book an ideal reference manual even for experienced programmers. More reviews about this item: Amazon Online Computing Reviews Service

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