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May AI?: Design Ideation with Cooperative Contextual Bandits

Published: 02 May 2019 Publication History


Design ideation is a prime creative activity in design. However, it is challenging to support computationally due to its quickly evolving and exploratory nature. The paper presents cooperative contextual bandits (CCB) as a machine-learning method for interactive ideation support. A CCB can learn to propose domain-relevant contributions and adapt their exploration/exploitation strategy. We developed a CCB for an interactive design ideation tool that 1) suggests inspirational and situationally relevant materials ("may AI?"); 2) explores and exploits inspirational materials with the designer; and 3) explains its suggestions to aid reflection. The application case of digital mood board design is presented, wherein visual inspirational materials are collected and curated in collages. In a controlled study, 14 of 16 professional designers preferred the CCB-augmented tool. The CCB approach holds promise for ideation activities wherein adaptive and steerable support is welcome but designers must retain full outcome control.

Supplementary Material

ZIP File (
1) Brief: Both design briefs used in the presented study.
MP4 File (paper633.mp4)


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CHI '19: Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
May 2019
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Published: 02 May 2019


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  1. creativity support tools
  2. ideation support
  3. interactive machine-learning
  4. mood board design


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