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RIN: Reformulation Inference Network for Context-Aware Query Suggestion

Published: 17 October 2018 Publication History


Search engine users always endeavor to reformulate queries during search sessions for articulating their information needs because it is not always easy to articulate the search intents. To further ameliorate the reformulation process, search engines may provide some query suggestions based on previous queries. In this paper, we propose Reformulation Inference Network (RIN) to learn how users reformulate queries, thereby benefiting context-aware query suggestion. Instead of categorizing reformulations into predefined patterns, we represent queries and reformulations in a homomorphic hidden space through heterogeneous network embedding. To capture the structure of the session context, a recurrent neural network (RNN) with the attention mechanism is employed to encode the search session by reading the homomorphic query and reformulation embeddings. It enables the model to explicitly captures the former reformulation for each query in the search session and directly learn user reformulation behaviors, from which query suggestion may benefit as shown in previous studies. To generate query suggestions, a binary classifier and an RNN-based decoder are introduced as the query discriminator and the query generator. Inspired by the intuition that model accurately predicting the next reformulation can also correctly infer the next intended query, a reformulation inferencer is then designed for inferring the next reformulation in the latent space of homomorphic embeddings. Therefore, both question suggestion and reformulation prediction can be simultaneously optimized by multi-task learning. Extensive experiments are conducted on publicly available AOL search engine logs. The experimental results demonstrate that RIN outperforms competitive baselines across various situations for both discriminative and generative tasks of context-aware query suggestion.


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CIKM '18: Proceedings of the 27th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management
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Published: 17 October 2018


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  1. query embedding
  2. query reformulation
  3. query session modeling
  4. query suggestion
  5. recurrent neural network


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