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Adaptive grid generation for discretizing implicit complexes

Published: 19 July 2024 Publication History


We present a method for generating a simplicial (e.g., triangular or tetrahedral) grid to enable adaptive discretization of implicit shapes defined by a vector function. Such shapes, which we call implicit complexes, are generalizations of implicit surfaces and useful for representing non-smooth and non-manifold structures. While adaptive grid generation has been extensively studied for polygonizing implicit surfaces, few methods are designed for implicit complexes. Our method can generate adaptive grids for several implicit complexes, including arrangements of implicit surfaces, CSG shapes, material interfaces, and curve networks. Importantly, our method adapts the grid to the geometry of not only the implicit surfaces but also their lower-dimensional intersections. We demonstrate how our method enables efficient and detail-preserving discretization of non-trivial implicit shapes.


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  1. Adaptive grid generation for discretizing implicit complexes



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    ACM Transactions on Graphics  Volume 43, Issue 4
    July 2024
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    Association for Computing Machinery

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    Published: 19 July 2024
    Published in TOG Volume 43, Issue 4

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    1. implicit surfaces
    2. grid refinement
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