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KeyStub: A Passive RFID-based Keypad Interface Using Resonant Stubs

Published: 12 January 2024 Publication History


The proliferation of the Internet of Things is calling for new modalities that enable human interaction with smart objects. Recent research has explored RFID tags as passive sensors to detect finger touch. However, existing approaches either rely on custom-built RFID readers or are limited to pre-trained finger-swiping gestures. In this paper, we introduce KeyStub, which can discriminate multiple discrete keystrokes on an RFID tag. KeyStub interfaces with commodity RFID ICs with multiple microwave-band resonant stubs as keys. Each stub's geometry is designed to create a predefined impedance mismatch to the RFID IC upon a keystroke, which in turn translates into a known amplitude and phase shift, remotely detectable by an RFID reader. KeyStub combines two ICs' signals through a single common-mode antenna and performs differential detection to evade the need for calibration and ensure reliability in heavy multi-path environments. Our experiments using a commercial-off-the-shelf RFID reader and ICs show that up to 8 buttons can be detected and decoded with accuracy greater than 95%. KeyStub points towards a novel way of using resonant stubs to augment RF antenna structures, thus enabling new passive wireless interaction modalities.


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  1. KeyStub: A Passive RFID-based Keypad Interface Using Resonant Stubs



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    cover image Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies
    Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies  Volume 7, Issue 4
    December 2023
    1613 pages
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    Published: 12 January 2024
    Published in IMWUT Volume 7, Issue 4


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    1. Battery-free
    2. RFID
    3. back-scatter
    4. constellation diagram
    5. passive
    6. push button
    7. stubs


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