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Advantage of Gaze-Only Content Browsing in VR using Cumulative Dwell Time Compared to Hand Controller

Published: 13 October 2023 Publication History


Head-mounted displays(HMDs) are expected to be used as daily devices. Developing interfaces to control contents projected in a head-mounted display (HMD) is key to leading the spread of HMD usage. With the need for a new interface of the HMD, gaze interface has been researched. One of the main challenges has been detecting the user’s control intention from gaze movements. Considering short periods of gaze movement away, cumulative gaze dwell time is considered suitable for predicting operations from natural gaze movements while browsing contents. In this study, we evaluated a gaze-only contents browsing method using cumulative dwell time by comparing the hand controller method. The results showed that the proposed gaze method can achieve the same level of time and usability with less physical workload than the controller method. It was also found that more people prefer the proposed gaze-based method (16 in total; gaze: 3, rather gaze: 6, neutral: 1, rather controllers: 6). These results indicate the applicability of implicit interaction by gaze for browsing contents on HMDs.


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Index Terms

  1. Advantage of Gaze-Only Content Browsing in VR using Cumulative Dwell Time Compared to Hand Controller



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      cover image ACM Conferences
      SUI '23: Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Symposium on Spatial User Interaction
      October 2023
      505 pages
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

      Publication History

      Published: 13 October 2023


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      Author Tags

      1. augmented reality
      2. dwell time
      3. gaze input
      4. gaze interaction
      5. hands-free interaction
      6. head-mounted display
      7. virtual reality


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      Funding Sources

      • JST Moon- shot R&D
      • NICT Japan


      SUI '23
      SUI '23: ACM Symposium on Spatial User Interaction
      October 13 - 15, 2023
      NSW, Sydney, Australia

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