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Cone of Vision as a Behavioural Cue for VR Collaboration

Published: 11 November 2022 Publication History


Mutual awareness of visual attention is essential for collaborative work. In the field of collaborative virtual environments (CVE), it has been proposed to use Field-of-View (FoV) frustum visualisations as a cue to support mutual awareness during collaboration. Recent studies on FoV frustum visualisations focus on asymmetric collaboration with AR/VR hardware setups and 3D reconstructed environments. In contrast, we focus on the general-purpose CVEs (i.e., VR shared offices), whose popularity is increasing due to the availability of low-cost headsets, and the restrictions imposed by the pandemic. In these CVEs collaboration roles are symmetrical, and the same 2D content available on desktop computers is displayed on 2D surfaces in a 3D space (VR screens). We prototyped one such CVE to evaluate FoV frustrum visualisation within this collaboration scenario. We also implement a FoV visualisation generated from an average fixation map (AFM), therefore directly generated by users' gaze behaviour which we call Cone of Vision (CoV). Our approach to displaying the frustum visualisations is tailored for 2D surfaces in 3D space and allows for self-awareness of this visual cue. We evaluate CoV in the context of a general exploratory data analysis (EDA) with 10 pairs of participants. Our findings indicate that CoV is beneficial during shifts between independent and collaborative work and supports collaborative progression across the visualisation. Self-perception of the CoV improves visual attention coupling, reduces the number of times users watch the collaborator's avatars and offers a consistent representation of the shared reality.


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Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction  Volume 6, Issue CSCW2
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Published: 11 November 2022
Published in PACMHCI Volume 6, Issue CSCW2


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  1. field of view frustum visualizations
  2. visual attention cues
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