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A Highly Integrated Ambient Light Robust Eye-Tracking Sensor for Retinal Projection AR Glasses Based on Laser Feedback Interferometry

Published: 13 May 2022 Publication History


Robust and highly integrated eye-tracking is a key technology to improve resolution of near-eye-display technologies for augmented reality (AR) glasses such as focus-free retinal projection as it enables display enhancements like foveated rendering. Furthermore, eye-tracking sensors enables novel ways to interact with user interfaces of AR glasses, improving thus the user experience compared to other wearables. In this work, we present a novel approach to track the user's eye by scanned laser feedback interferometry sensing. The main advantages over modern video-oculography (VOG) systems are the seamless integration of the eye-tracking sensor and the excellent robustness to ambient light with significantly lower power consumption. We further present an algorithm to track the bright pupil signal captured by our sensor with a significantly lower computational effort compared to VOG systems. We evaluate a prototype to prove the high robustness against ambient light and achieve a gaze accuracy of 1.62\,$^\circ$, which is comparable to other state-of-the-art scanned laser eye-tracking sensors. The outstanding robustness and high integrability of the proposed sensor will pave the way for everyday eye-tracking in consumer AR glasses.

Supplementary Material

MP4 File (S6_A_Highly_Integrated.mp4)
Conference Presentation (ETRA Long Papers) of title={A Highly Integrated Ambient Light Robust Eye-Tracking Sensor for Retinal Projection AR Glasses Based on Laser Feedback Interferometry}; authors={Johannes Meyer, Thomas Schlebusch, and Enkelejda Kasneci}; doi=10.1145/3530881


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  1. A Highly Integrated Ambient Light Robust Eye-Tracking Sensor for Retinal Projection AR Glasses Based on Laser Feedback Interferometry



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      cover image Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction
      Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction  Volume 6, Issue ETRA
      May 2022
      198 pages
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      Published: 13 May 2022
      Published in PACMHCI Volume 6, Issue ETRA


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      1. ar glasses
      2. low power eye tracking
      3. mems scanned laser eye tracking
      4. retinal projection


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