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PuRe: : Robust pupil detection for real-time pervasive eye tracking

Published: 01 May 2018 Publication History


A novel computer-vision based algorithm for robust pupil detection is introduced.
The algorithm increases detection rate up to ten percentage points in challenging data.
Additional evaluation metrics for pupil detection algorithms are introduced.
Specificity, precision, and sensitivity improved by 5.96%, 25.05%, and 10.94%.
The algorithm runs in real time for modern eye trackers (at 120 fps).

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Real-time, accurate, and robust pupil detection is an essential prerequisite to enable pervasive eye-tracking and its applications – e.g., gaze-based human computer interaction, health monitoring, foveated rendering, and advanced driver assistance. However, automated pupil detection has proved to be an intricate task in real-world scenarios due to a large mixture of challenges such as quickly changing illumination and occlusions. In this paper, we introduce the Pupil Reconstructor (PuRe), a method for pupil detection in pervasive scenarios based on a novel edge segment selection and conditional segment combination schemes; the method also includes a confidence measure for the detected pupil. The proposed method was evaluated on over 316,000 images acquired with four distinct head-mounted eye tracking devices. Results show a pupil detection rate improvement of over 10 percentage points w.r.t. state-of-the-art algorithms in the two most challenging data sets (6.46 for all data sets), further pushing the envelope for pupil detection. Moreover, we advance the evaluation protocol of pupil detection algorithms by also considering eye images in which pupils are not present and contributing a new data set of mostly closed eyes images. In this aspect, PuRe improved precision and specificity w.r.t. state-of-the-art algorithms by 25.05 and 10.94 percentage points, respectively, demonstrating the meaningfulness of PuRe’s confidence measure. PuRe operates in real-time for modern eye trackers (at 120 fps) and is fully integrated into EyeRecToo – an open-source state-of-the-art software for pervasive head-mounted eye tracking. The proposed method and data set are available at


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        Published In

        cover image Computer Vision and Image Understanding
        Computer Vision and Image Understanding  Volume 170, Issue C
        May 2018
        109 pages


        Elsevier Science Inc.

        United States

        Publication History

        Published: 01 May 2018

        Author Tags

        1. Pupil detection
        2. Pervasive
        3. Eye tracking
        4. Embedded


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