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Naturally Together: A Systematic Approach for Multi-User Interaction With Natural Interfaces

Published: 18 October 2021 Publication History


New technology is moving towards intuitive and natural interaction techniques that are increasingly embedded in human space (e.g., home and office environment) and aims to support multiple users, yet their interfaces do not cover it to the full. Imagine that you have a multi-user device, should it act differently in different situations, people, and group settings? Current Multi-User Interfaces address each of the users as an individual that works independently from others, and there is a lack of understanding of the mechanisms that impact shared usage of these products. Thus we have linked environmental (external) and user-centered (internal) factors to the way users interact with multi-user devices. We analyzed 124 papers that involve multi-user interfaces and created a classification model out of 8 factors. Both the model and factors were validated by a large-scale online study. Our model defines the factors affecting multi-user usage with a single device and leads to a decision on the most important ones in different situations. This paper is the first to identify these factors and to create a set of practical guidelines for designing Multi-User Interfaces.

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