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Affective Automotive User Interfaces–Reviewing the State of Driver Affect Research and Emotion Regulation in the Car

Published: 17 September 2021 Publication History


Affective technology offers exciting opportunities to improve road safety by catering to human emotions. Modern car interiors enable the contactless detection of user states, paving the way for a systematic promotion of safe driver behavior through emotion regulation. We review the current literature regarding the impact of emotions on driver behavior and analyze the state of emotion regulation approaches in the car. We summarize challenges for affective interaction in the form of technological hurdles and methodological considerations, as well as opportunities to improve road safety by reinstating drivers into an emotionally balanced state. The purpose of this review is to outline the community’s combined knowledge for interested researchers, to provide a focussed introduction for practitioners, raise awareness for cultural aspects, and to identify future directions for affective interaction in the car.


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    Received: 01 January 2020
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