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An automata-theoretic approach to modular model checking

Published: 01 January 2000 Publication History


In modular verification the specification of a module consists of two part. One part describes the guaranteed behavior of the module. The other part describes the assumed behavior of the system in which the module is interacting. This is called the assume-guarantee paradigm. In this paper we consider assume-guarantee specifications in which the guarantee is specified by branching temporal formulas. We distinguish between two approaches. In the first approach, the assumption is specified by branching temporal formulas too. In the second approach, the assumption is specified by linear temporal logic. We consider guarantees in ∀CTL, and ∀CTL*. We develop two fundamental techniques: building maximal models for ∀CTL and ∀CTL* formulas and using alternating automata to obtain space-efficient algorithms for fair model checking. Using these techniques we classify the complexity of satisfiability, validity, implication, and modular verification for ∀CTL and ∀CTL*. We show that modular verification is PSPACE-complete for ∀CTL and is EXSPACE-complete for ∀CTL*. We prove that when the assumption is linear, these bounds hold also for guarantees in CTL and CTL*. On the other hand, the problem remains EXSPACE-hard even when we restrict the assumptions to LTL and take the guarantees as a fixed ∀CTL formula.


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cover image ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems  Volume 22, Issue 1
Jan. 2000
186 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 01 January 2000
Published in TOPLAS Volume 22, Issue 1


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  1. automata
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