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An automata-theoretic approach to branching-time model checking

Published: 01 March 2000 Publication History


Translating linear temporal logic formulas to automata has proven to be an effective approach for implementing linear-time model-checking, and for obtaining many extensions and improvements to this verification method. On the other hand, for branching temporal logic, automata-theoretic techniques have long been thought to introduce an exponential penalty, making them essentially useless for model-checking. Recently, Bernholtz and Grumberg [1993] have shown that this exponential penalty can be avoided, though they did not match the linear complexity of non-automata-theoretic algorithms. In this paper, we show that alternating tree automata are the key to a comprehensive automata-theoretic framework for branching temporal logics. Not only can they be used to obtain optimal decision procedures, as was shown by Muller et al., but, as we show here, they also make it possible to derive optimal model-checking algorithms. Moreover, the simple combinatorial structure that emerges from the automata-theoretic approach opens up new possibilities for the implementation of branching-time model checking and has enabled us to derive improved space complexity bounds for this long-standing problem.


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