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Algorithm 763: INTERVAL_ARITHMETIC: a Fortran 90 module for an interval data type

Published: 01 December 1996 Publication History


Interval arithmetic is useful in automatically verified computations, that is, in computations in which the algorithm itself rigorously proves that the answer must lie within certain bounds. In addition to rigor, interval arithmetic also provides a simple and sometimes sharp method of bounding ranges of functions for global optimization and other tasks. Convenient use of interval arithmetic requires an interval data type in the programming language. Although various packages supply such a data type, previous ones are machine specific, obsolete, and unsupported, for languages other than Fortran, or commercial. The Fortran 90 module INTERVAL_ARITHMETIC provides a portable interval data type in Fortran 90. This data type is based on two double-precision real Fortran storage units. Module INTERVAL_ARTHMETIC uses the Fortran 77 library INTLIB (ACM TOMS Algorithm 737) as a supporting library. The module has been employed extensively in the author's own research.

Supplementary Material

GZ File (763.gz)
Software for "INTERVAL_ARITHMETIC: A Fortran 90 Module for an Interval Data Type"


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Jesse Louis Barlow

Interval arithmetic has generated a large volume of papers and software. A number of software packages are listed in the bibliography of this paper, which proposes an improvement to the INTLIB package of Kearfott et al.<__?__Pub Fmt interword-space>[1]. The author identifies an interesting problem with the INTLIB package and proposes an appropriate solution. The problem is that, for a task as simple as computing a polynomial of an interval, users are forced to write programs that are difficult to understand. This problem is a result of the limitations of Fortran 77. An appropriate solution is the development of a Fortran 90 module that allows for the development of an interval data type with appropriate software support. As an example, the author shows how to evaluate the polynomial f x =x 4+x 3 +x in INTLIB and with the module INTERVAL_ARITHMETIC. The INTLIB code discourages readers from wanting to write a program for a more complex problem. The code using the Fortran 90 module is elegant and transparent. The module supports the standard arithmetic expressions +, ?, *, /, SQRT, LOG, and EXP, and the usual trigonometric and hyperbolic functions. Instructions for i<__?__Pub Caret>nstallation and use of the module are provided.

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Published In

cover image ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software  Volume 22, Issue 4
Dec. 1996
116 pages
  • Editor:
  • Ronald Boisvert
Issue’s Table of Contents


Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 01 December 1996
Published in TOMS Volume 22, Issue 4


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  1. interval arithmetic
  2. operator overloading
  3. portability


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