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Consistent Video Filtering for Camera Arrays

Published: 01 May 2017 Publication History


Visual formats have advanced beyond single-view images and videos: 3D movies are commonplace, researchers have developed multi-view navigation systems, and VR is helping to push light field cameras to mass market. However, editing tools for these media are still nascent, and even simple filtering operations like color correction or stylization are problematic: naively applying image filters per frame or per view rarely produces satisfying results due to time and space inconsistencies. Our method preserves and stabilizes filter effects while being agnostic to the inner working of the filter. It captures filter effects in the gradient domain, then uses input frame gradients as a reference to impose temporal and spatial consistency. Our least-squares formulation adds minimal overhead compared to naive data processing. Further, when filter cost is high, we introduce a filter transfer strategy that reduces the number of per-frame filtering computations by an order of magnitude, with only a small reduction in visual quality. We demonstrate our algorithm on several camera array formats including stereo videos, light fields, and wide baselines.


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Published In

cover image Computer Graphics Forum
Computer Graphics Forum  Volume 36, Issue 2
May 2017
623 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents


The Eurographs Association & John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Chichester, United Kingdom

Publication History

Published: 01 May 2017

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  1. Categories and Subject Descriptors according to ACM CCS
  2. I.2.10 [Computer Graphics]: Vision and Scene Understanding-Video analysis
  3. I.4.3 [Computer Graphics]: Enhancement-Filtering


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