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Age-Optimal Scheduling Over Hybrid Channels

Published: 01 December 2023 Publication History


We consider the problem of minimizing the age of information when a source can transmit status updates over two heterogeneous channels. Our work is motivated by recent developments in 5 G mmWave technology, where transmissions may occur over an unreliable but fast (e.g., mmWave) channel or a slow reliable (e.g., sub-6 GHz) channel. The unreliable channel is modeled as a time-correlated Gilbert-Elliot channel at a high rate when the channel is in the “ON” state. The reliable channel provides a deterministic but lower data rate. The scheduling strategy determines the channel to be used for transmission in each time slot, aiming to minimize the time-average age of information (AoI). The optimal scheduling problem is formulated as a Markov Decision Process (MDP), which is challenging to solve because super-modularity does not hold in a part of the state space. We address this challenge and show that a multi-dimensional threshold-type scheduling policy is optimal for minimizing the age. By exploiting the structure of the MDP and analyzing the discrete time Markov chains (DTMCs) of the threshold-type policy, we devise a low-complexity bisection algorithm to compute the optimal thresholds. We compare different scheduling policies using numerical simulations.


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  • (2025)Proactive Obsolete Packet Management Based Analysis of Age of Information for LCFS Heterogeneous Queueing SystemIEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing10.1109/TMC.2024.348106224:3(1513-1529)Online publication date: 1-Mar-2025



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cover image IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing  Volume 22, Issue 12
Dec. 2023
649 pages


IEEE Educational Activities Department

United States

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Published: 01 December 2023


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  • (2025)Proactive Obsolete Packet Management Based Analysis of Age of Information for LCFS Heterogeneous Queueing SystemIEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing10.1109/TMC.2024.348106224:3(1513-1529)Online publication date: 1-Mar-2025

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