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Information propagation model based on hybrid social factors of opportunity, trust and motivation

Published: 14 March 2019 Publication History


The propagation of information in the network is a complex dynamic process. Establishing an accurate information propagation model around common social factors benefits a lot from its evolution simulation for identifying the valuable information and regulating public opinions. In this paper, we propose Opportunity, Social Trust and Game Choice Motivation relying on triadic closure principle in social network and construct a novel information propagation model with respect to combine these three types of social factors. Firstly, the interest similarity between two users is convenient for measuring the opportunity to receive certain information. Secondly, the threshold of social trust is calculated by coupling users’ network influence and content contribution. Thirdly, game choice with a rule to compute the best benefits has recognized as the motivation of users to spread a message. Finally, the game choice information propagation model based on page rank algorithm (GCIP-Page Rank) is proposed. The experimental results show that information propagation led by users experiences such stages as information contact, information trust and information propagation. At the same time, users’ social trust can accelerate the spread of information in microblog social network by considering both the network structure and information content simultaneously.


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cover image Neurocomputing
Neurocomputing  Volume 333, Issue C
Mar 2019
452 pages


Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.


Publication History

Published: 14 March 2019

Author Tags

  1. Social network
  2. Information propagation
  3. Social factors
  4. Social trust
  5. Game choice motivation


  • Research-article


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