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View all- Zhang WCheng AGeilen M(2016)Special Issue on Real-Time Scheduling on Heterogeneous Multi-core ProcessorsMicroprocessors & Microsystems10.1016/j.micpro.2016.11.00547:PA(90-92)Online publication date: 1-Nov-2016
In our previous work, we described a resource allocation and scheduling technique for processing an open stream of MapReduce jobs with SLAs (characterized by an earliest start time, an execution time, and a deadline) called the Hadoop Constraint ...
Data generation has increased drastically over the past few years due to the rapid development of Internet-based technologies. This period has been called the big data era. Big data offer an emerging paradigm shift in data exploration and utilization. ...
Cloud computing offers an attractive option for businesses to rent a suitable size MapReduce cluster, consume resources as a service, and pay only for resources that were consumed. A key challenge in such environments is to increase the utilization of ...
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