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A framework for automating security analysis of the internet of things

Published: 01 April 2017 Publication History


The Internet of Things (IoT) is enabling innovative applications in various domains. Due to its heterogeneous and wide-scale structure, it introduces many new security issues. To address this problem, we propose a framework for modeling and assessing the security of the IoT and provide a formal definition of the framework. Generally, the framework consists of five phases: (1) data processing, (2) security model generation, (3) security visualization, (4) security analysis, and (5) model updates. Using the framework, we can find potential attack scenarios in the IoT, analyze the security of the IoT through well-defined security metrics, and assess the effectiveness of different defense strategies. The framework is evaluated via three scenarios, which are the smart home, wearable healthcare monitoring and environment monitoring scenarios. We use the analysis results to show the capabilities of the proposed framework for finding potential attack paths and mitigating the impact of attacks.


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        cover image Journal of Network and Computer Applications
        Journal of Network and Computer Applications  Volume 83, Issue C
        April 2017
        221 pages


        Academic Press Ltd.

        United Kingdom

        Publication History

        Published: 01 April 2017

        Author Tags

        1. Attack graphs
        2. Internet of things
        3. Security analysis
        4. Security modeling


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