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View all- Ben Cheikh AFront AGiraudin JCoulondre S(2018)E-CAReInternational Journal of Information System Modeling and Design10.4018/jismd.20130701014:3(1-31)Online publication date: 17-Dec-2018
Augmented reality (AR) environment allows user or multi-user to interact with 2D and 3D data. AR simply can provide a collaborative interactive AR environment for urban simulation, where users can interact naturally and intuitively. AR collaboration ...
We demonstrate basic 2D and 3D interactions in both a Virtual Reality (VR) system, called the Personal Space Station, and an Augmented Reality (AR) system, called the Visual Interaction Platform. Since both platforms use identical (optical) tracking ...
In recent years, augmented reality (AR) is an extremely growing field in information technology, computer science, and computer engineering. Although there are many recent works that use augmented reality for different purposes, most of the ...
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