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E-CARe: A Process for Engineering Ubiquitous Information Systems

Published: 01 July 2013 Publication History


Ubiquity in Information Systems ISs is a new requirement widely expressed by customers and users due to emerging and evolving communication and mobile technologies. Each IS should support a set of mobile applications used either to interact smartly with the changing environment, to provide adaptive services to customers or both. Designing ISs with highly technological risks requires a precise and appropriate development process. However, such processes fail to consider ubiquitous requirements throughout the development process. This paper tries to solve this issue by proposing a process for identifying and modeling ubiquitous requirements that can be integrated into an existing IS engineering process. This process, called E-CARe, focuses on adapting to the surrounding context; this requires detailed specification and analysis work by a context designer. E-CARe uses an event-driven logic, as dynamicity and reactivity are the major properties required from ubiquitous applications. A Model-Driven Engineering MDE approach is used to automate specification work. In order to test the process, a case study from the intelligent transport domain is applied as an illustration.


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Published In

cover image International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design
International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design  Volume 4, Issue 3
July 2013
98 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents


IGI Global

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 July 2013

Author Tags

  1. Context-Awareness
  2. Context-Reactivity
  3. Engineering Process
  4. Event Flow
  5. Ubiquitous Requirement


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