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A Computer Vision-Based Quality Assessment Technique for the automatic control of consumables for analytical laboratories

Published: 05 December 2024 Publication History


The rapid growth of the Industry 4.0 paradigm is increasing the pressure to develop effective automated monitoring systems. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a convenient tool to improve the efficiency of industrial processes while reducing errors and waste. In fact, it allows the use of real-time data to increase the effectiveness of monitoring systems, minimize errors, make the production process more sustainable, and save costs. In this paper, a novel automatic monitoring system is proposed in the context of production process of plastic consumables used in analysis laboratories, with the aim to increase the effectiveness of the control process currently performed by a human operator. In particular, we considered the problem of classifying the presence or absence of a transparent anticoagulant substance inside test tubes. Specifically, a hand-designed deep network model is used and compared with some state-of-the-art models for its ability to categorize different images of vials that can be either filled with the anticoagulant or empty. Collected results indicate that the proposed approach is competitive with state-of-the-art models in terms of accuracy. Furthermore, we increased the complexity of the task by training the models on the ability to discriminate not only the presence or absence of the anticoagulant inside the vial, but also the size of the test tube. The analysis performed in the latter scenario confirms the competitiveness of our approach. Moreover, our model is remarkably superior in terms of its generalization ability and requires significantly fewer resources. These results suggest the possibility of successfully implementing such a model in the production process of a plastic consumables company.


Using Artificial Intelligence to increase the efficiency of industrial process.
A novel automated monitoring system to enhance control processes.
Addressing the production control issue of test tubes for analysis laboratories.
The model surpasses pre-trained networks in accuracy and generalization.
The results suggest the feasibility of implementing such a model in practice.


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            Published In

            cover image Expert Systems with Applications: An International Journal
            Expert Systems with Applications: An International Journal  Volume 256, Issue C
            Dec 2024
            1582 pages


            Pergamon Press, Inc.

            United States

            Publication History

            Published: 05 December 2024

            Author Tags

            1. Automatic monitoring
            2. Green economy
            3. Industry 4.0
            4. Deep learning
            5. Convolutional neural networks
            6. Transfer learning


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