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A trust-based consumer decision-making model in electronic commerce: The role of trust, perceived risk, and their antecedents

Published: 01 January 2008 Publication History


Are trust and risk important in consumers' electronic commerce purchasing decisions? What are the antecedents of trust and risk in this context? How do trust and risk affect an Internet consumer's purchasing decision? To answer these questions, we i) develop a theoretical framework describing the trust-based decision-making process a consumer uses when making a purchase from a given site, ii) test the proposed model using a Structural Equation Modeling technique on Internet consumer purchasing behavior data collected via a Web survey, and iii) consider the implications of the model. The results of the study show that Internet consumers' trust and perceived risk have strong impacts on their purchasing decisions. Consumer disposition to trust, reputation, privacy concerns, security concerns, the information quality of the Website, and the company's reputation, have strong effects on Internet consumers' trust in the Website. Interestingly, the presence of a third-party seal did not strongly influence consumers' trust.


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Tom Stafford

Kim et al. present a study of trust, risk, and e-commerce use that provides interesting data for the information systems (IS) researcher interested in the popular topic of online trust. The paper employs structural equation modeling (SEM), which makes it seem rather mathematical. This will likely limit its appeal to managers, who might find it less practical than preferred?being a scientific study with scientific methods. Even so, an interesting finding of the study is that a trust mark in the form of a third-party assurance seal does not increase consumer confidence and trust in an e-commerce site, as might be expected. Therefore, managers with security and assurance responsibilities may still find the study interesting. Although this finding may or may not be prone to generalizations, managers in charge of assurance programs might want to consider this study as an element in their decision making (along with other evidence) as they approach decisions about the deployment of assurance seals and trust marks on their e-commerce sites. Online Computing Reviews Service

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cover image Decision Support Systems
Decision Support Systems  Volume 44, Issue 2
January, 2008
198 pages


Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.


Publication History

Published: 01 January 2008

Author Tags

  1. Antecedents of trust
  2. Consumer trust
  3. Electronic commerce
  4. Internet consumer behavior
  5. Perceived risk
  6. Privacy and security
  7. The role of trust
  8. Trusted third-party seal


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