Mixed matchings in graphs
Index Terms
- Mixed matchings in graphs
Generalized subgraph-restricted matchings in graphs
For a graph property P, we define a P-matching as a set M of disjoint edges such that the subgraph induced by the vertices incident to M has property P. Previous examples include strong/induced matchings and uniquely restricted matchings. We explore the ...
Graphs with independent perfect matchings
A graph with at least two vertices is matching covered if it is connected and each edge lies in some perfect matching. A matching covered graph G is extremal if the number of perfect matchings of G is equal to the dimension of the lattice spanned by the ...
Bicolored Matchings in Some Classes of Graphs
We consider the problem of finding in a graph a set R of edges to be colored in red so that there are maximum matchings having some prescribed numbers of red edges. For regular bipartite graphs with n nodes on each side, we give sufficient conditions ...
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Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.
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