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Assessing the performance of state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms for predicting electro-erosion wear in cryogenic treated electrodes of mold steels

Published: 01 August 2024 Publication History


Accurate machine learning models minimize delays and losses in manufacturing.
Cryogenically treated electrodes boost EDM wear prediction accuracy.
Identified influential factors that optimize EDM processes.
Enhancing productivity and quality in manufacturing.
Future of manufacturing: advanced techniques for growth.


In manufacturing, predicting and reducing electro-erosion wear during the electric discharge machining (EDM) process is critical to minimize delays, financial losses and product defects. Achieving this requires developing and evaluating accurate machine learning models. In our study, we focus on cryogenically treated mold steel electrodes to investigate the potential of different machine learning algorithms to predict EDM wear. We considered five machine learning algorithms—artificial neural networks, ensemble learning, boosting algorithms, tree-based algorithms, and k-nearest neighbors—to evaluate their ability to predict wear patterns accurately. Each algorithm was trained and tested using actual experimental data from EDM processes. Our results show that the machine learning models demonstrated exceptional accuracy, accurately predicting EDM wear in training and testing datasets with almost 99% accuracy. In addition, we identified the most influential characteristics that affect wear patterns, including operating current, cryogenic process parameters, and electrode composition. Based on these findings, manufacturers can gain valuable insight into the factors that cause EDM wear and optimize their EDM processes accordingly to improve productivity, reduce wear-related costs, and increase production quality across multiple manufacturing industries. Furthermore, this research provides insights into the possibilities of implementing these models in real manufacturing contexts and motivates future research on this topic. Ultimately, integrating advanced computing techniques and prudent decision-making strategies will shape the future of manufacturing operations management and promote sustainable and profitable business growth.


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Published In

cover image Advanced Engineering Informatics
Advanced Engineering Informatics  Volume 61, Issue C
Aug 2024
1631 pages


Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.


Publication History

Published: 01 August 2024

Author Tags

  1. Electro-erosion wear
  2. Cryogenic treatment
  3. Mold steel
  4. Machine learning algorithms
  5. Boosting algorithms
  6. Ensemble learning

Author Tags

  1. AI
  2. ANFIS
  3. ANN
  4. CNC
  5. CT
  6. DIN
  7. EDM
  8. ELM
  9. EWR
  10. HTCS
  11. MER
  12. ML
  13. MRR
  14. Qiskit-SVR
  15. SR
  16. SVR
  17. SW
  18. TW
  19. TWR
  20. W-ELM
  21. XGBoost


  • Research-article


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