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Comparing spatial navigation in a virtual environment vs. an identical real environment across the adult lifespan

Published: 17 July 2024 Publication History


Virtual environments (VEs) are increasingly being used as a research platform for investigating human responses to environmental variables. While VEs provide tremendous advantages in terms of variable isolation and manipulation, and ease of data-collection, some researchers have expressed concerns about the ecological validity of VE-based findings; that is, their transferability to real-world contexts. In the current study we created a virtual replica of a real-world, multi-level educational facility, and compared data collected in the VE vs. the real-world environment as participants completed identical navigational tasks. We found significant differences in all of the measures used, including distance covered, number of mistakes made, time for task completion, spatial memory, extent of backtracking, observation of directional signs, perceived uncertainty levels, perceived cognitive workload, and perceived task difficulty. We also analyzed potential age-related effects to look for heightened VE/real-world response discrepancies among older adult participants (age 55 or over) compared to younger adults (18–30 years of age). This analysis yielded no significant age-by-condition interaction effects. Finally, we examined the spatial distribution of self-reported wayfinding uncertainty across the building floorplan, finding that areas in which uncertainty was most pronounced were similar between the real-world and VE settings. Overall, these findings indicate that while virtual reality can be a useful design research tool, caution is needed when interpreting and generalizing its results.


VR navigation involved longer distances, more errors, and longer task completion.
Areas of high navigational uncertainty were similar in both real and VR.
Older adults' VR navigation on par with younger users, unaffected by age differences.


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cover image Computers in Human Behavior
Computers in Human Behavior  Volume 157, Issue C
Aug 2024
281 pages


Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.


Publication History

Published: 17 July 2024

Author Tags

  1. Spatial navigation
  2. Virtual reality
  3. Spatial learning
  4. Wayfinding


  • Research-article


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