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Avatar-driven self-disclosure

Published: 01 September 2014 Publication History


The effect of avatar-self similarity on self-disclosure was examined.Self-awareness, self-presence, and identifiability are mediators.Avatar similarity increases self-disclosure via self-awareness and self-presence.Avatar similarity decreases self-disclosure via identifiability. Considering the importance of self-disclosure in building relationships and bonds, it is vital to investigate how self-disclosure is affected by avatars utilized in many online communities. In this study, we tested a research model that explores how perceived avatar-self similarity affects self-disclosure via different theoretical constructs such as self-awareness, self-presence, and identifiability. The research model was empirically tested with data from a web-based survey of 209 Second Life users. Results revealed that avatar similarity impacts self-disclosure but with varying effects, depending on how it is mediated by variables of identifiability, self-awareness and self-presence. Specifically, appearance similarity affects homophily, which heightens self-awareness. This results in increased feelings of self-presence, which positively affects self-disclosure. Homophily also has the effect of heightening perceptions of identifiability, which decreases self-disclosure. Implications and applications are discussed.


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cover image Computers in Human Behavior
Computers in Human Behavior  Volume 39, Issue C
October, 2014
422 pages


Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.


Publication History

Published: 01 September 2014

Author Tags

  1. Avatar
  2. Self-awareness
  3. Self-disclosure
  4. Virtual environment


  • Research-article


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