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Optimizing trigger timing in minimal ovarian stimulation for In Vitro fertilization using machine learning models with random search hyperparameter tuning

Published: 01 September 2024 Publication History


Various studies have emphasized the importance of identifying the optimal Trigger Timing (TT) for the trigger shot in In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), which is crucial for the successful maturation and release of oocytes, especially in minimal ovarian stimulation treatments. Despite its significance for the ultimate success of IVF, determining the precise TT remains a complex challenge for physicians due to the involvement of multiple variables. This study aims to enhance TT by developing a machine learning multi-output model that predicts the expected number of retrieved oocytes, mature oocytes (MII), fertilized oocytes (2 PN), and useable blastocysts within a 48-h window after the trigger shot in minimal stimulation cycles. By utilizing this model, physicians can identify patients with possible early, late, or on-time trigger shots. The study found that approximately 27 % of treatments administered the trigger shot on a suboptimal day, but optimizing the TT using the developed Artificial Intelligence (AI) model can potentially increase useable blastocyst production by 46 %. These findings highlight the potential of predictive models as a supplementary tool for optimizing trigger shot timing and improving IVF outcomes, particularly in minimal ovarian stimulation. The experimental results underwent statistical validation, demonstrating the accuracy and performance of the model. Overall, this study emphasizes the value of AI prediction models in enhancing TT and making the IVF process safer and more efficient.


AI-optimized trigger timing significantly increases the number of useable blastocysts.
Oocyte quality and quantity are crucial for successful blastocyst formation.
Hyperparameter optimization in ANN model significantly improves trigger timing.
Architecture ANN analysis identifies key variables impacting blastocyst numbers.


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Published In

cover image Computers in Biology and Medicine
Computers in Biology and Medicine  Volume 179, Issue C
Sep 2024
1424 pages


Pergamon Press, Inc.

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 September 2024

Author Tags

  1. Artificial intelligence
  2. Machine learning
  3. Artificial neural networks
  4. Multi-layer perceptron
  5. Hyperparameter tuning
  6. In vitro fertilization
  7. Minimal ovarian stimulation
  8. Useable blastocyst
  9. Trigger timing


  • Research-article


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